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If Sikhi Is Ved Ant Does That Make Them Invalid?


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Please could someone clarify :

1. if Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji , Dasam Guru Granth ji and Sarbloh Granth combine to bring knowledge that mean the ant of Vedas , does that mean any prophecies there post advent of Khalsa is wrong /to be ignored ?

2. Does this mean that as I have heard someplaces that Khalsa Raj is kaliki avatar ?

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Please could someone clarify :

1. if Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji , Dasam Guru Granth ji and Sarbloh Granth combine to bring knowledge that mean the ant of Vedas , does that mean any prophecies there post advent of Khalsa is wrong /to be ignored ?

2. Does this mean that as I have heard someplaces that Khalsa Raj is kaliki avatar ?

Kaliki Avatar is suppose to fall into Maya too, do you really think a proper Gursikh would suffer from that? the one about Kalki Avatar is fishy at best

as for the prophecies it depends on the source, sau sakhi come to mind but there is tampering in them from what i know, but if a true Mahapurkh makes a prediction you may as well take it as fact. Though its best if we don't focus too much on them, Guru ji taught us to work for it rather than waiting it out. Prayer is fine, Prophecies could be fine but We were taught to put our Creed into deeds.

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