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~~Reference Of Heart/hirda/hirda Parkash Many Times In Gurbani ~~

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I just wanted to start this deep thread regarding reference of hirda many times in Gurbani.

My take on Hirda in gurbani have multiple meaning depending on the context its not referred to as physical heart. Yes only few times according to my understanding- refered to anhat-reference point/pointer from shabad surat perspective only few times but for most part its refered to jot saroop where our jot/atma resides and its not location either..i found very deep and interesting article on hirda /heart references in Gurbani but that too looks like all conceptual real understanding will probably come from expereince within:


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According to my understanding and research i may be wrong, hirda also refers to our center being not particular place in the body but our atam jot saroop- awareness/hirda parkash (would be awakened light/awareness) hirda or hirda parkash from which everything rises or subsides even in the sleep. If one fully questions who is experiencing/witnessing the sleep-dreams on the surface it would be I-ego but after deep contemplation one automatically lead to conclusion eventually not conceptually but in expereince its the awareness experiencing itself. When we wake up- ego kicks in and claims its fully I duality expereinced the sleep

Overall, i think in gurbani -awareness or center being our jot saroop is also explained metaphorically as hirda or hirda parkash (once our surti/intuition has died in pure awareness fully)

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Pray Truth for all and say Sat Sree Akaal,

Dear all,

True Guru's Vaaks are not riddles to solve.

True Guru's Vaaks are experiences of solved riddles.

Balbir Singh

What you said make sense from transcendence perspective or vantage point.

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Pray Truth for all and say Sat Sree Akaal,

Dear all,

True Guru's Vaaks are not riddles to solve.

True Guru's Vaaks are experiences of solved riddles.

Balbir Singh

Interesting read:

Hidden Wisdom

If the anhad shabad is so ubiquitous (seeming to be everywhere), why have I never heard of it? The first and most obvious reason we have already touched upon. People are reluctant to discuss private conceptions which they do not consider part of everyone else's normal reality.

The Anhad shabad is one of those personal events that many experience but few people speak of it. Other reasons why information about the anhad is so well hidden may surprise you.

Even seasoned teachers of mystic practices are often not familiar with anhad techniques. Most, even if they are aware of the anhad presence, are not aware of its significance.

Hidden from Plain Sight

I once worked with a revered yoga teacher. Various ringing and buzzing noises plagued one of her students while practicing breathing meditations. The yoga teacher herself had experienced the same phenomenon. Eventually, she was referred to me. She was amazed that she was not familiar with nada yoga even after decades of in-depth yoga studies.

I showed her a book Fundamentals of Yoga, which was already familiar to her. She was fascinated when I pointed to a discussion of the anhad. The true nature of the topic had not been previously apparent to her. She was even more impressed when she read through the passages with new awareness of the sound. The author cited the sound current, or nada, as the source of all manifestation and the undisputed pathway to enlightenment. Although this yoga teacher had read the book numerous times before, she had not realised the significance of the passages, or they referred to internally audible sounds.

This is a classic example of how information about the anhad is hidden from plain sight. References in the literature are usually brief and obscure by design. An uninitiated reader can pass over these profound statements without realising what is being discussed.

For someone who is not experienced, it is a most abstract topic. Even for those with personal experience, the literature usually hovers nearer to the realm of mystic poetry and rarely makes definitive statements. Often a passage seeks emotional or intuitive response rather than rational clarity, so the language can be highly symbolic.

Knowledge Lives

Modern students of esoteric practices realise that a great deal of guarded knowledge is now being widely disseminated. Even so, information about the anhad is still cloistered (separated from and communicating with the outside world). It has been such a deeply held secret for so long that it is having trouble find its way into the public consciousness.

There are people who know a great deal about the anhad. Many individuals and spiritual schools are committed to its study, but this information is still not part of the public domain.

Bear in mind those communities of spiritual seekers that have guarded their practices involving the anhad sounds consider the naad to be our most direct and intimate connection with the Source of Creation. It is considered the structuring force of the Cosmos, the most sacred of all issues. For some, its profound nature is reason enough to maintain privacy. For others, including myself, that is the very reason why the information should become public at this pivotal time in our evolution.

Both arguments aside, secrecy has been consciously practiced. I see three motives why groups and individuals have done so.

Power The anhad naad is considered by many to be the most potent force available to human beings.

Greed Power corrupts, and many have sought to harness the sound for personal power over others.

Karma Acquiring Karma during ones life IS an important issue in many eastern philosophies. Personal liability for ones actions regarding the omnipotent sound current has played a key role in the history of the naada schools. If the idea of your religion is to eradicate personal energy ties with the manifest world, then interacting with other peoples direct link to the Source of Creation is definitely not to be taken lightly.

Because of the perceived serious nature of the naad by those who have studied it in the past, it has remained largely and occult activity. It has traditionally been taught in a devotional setting, through a student and master relationship, where it has been wrongly perceived that the guru bestowed the anhad on the student.

Unconscious Secrecy

The anhad naad has been guarded throughout human history just as all objects of power have been similarly guarded and coveted. There are, however other reasons why the information available is so inadequate. Some are unintentional. One reason for the deficiency of practical information lies in the methods and philosophies of eastern teaching, which until recently was the main source of information about the sound.

In many eastern esoteric (very unusual and understood or liked by a small number of people, especially those with special knowledge) practices, there is a tremendous emphasis on emulating the teacher. Students learn through a kind of osmosis (the process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc.), by emulating their instructors. Lessons are often transferred in a devotional setting, meaning the students devote themselves to the teacher. This ensures the absolute attention and dedication of the pupils.

Devotional teaching formats forge a tremendous bond between student and master, allowing for very intense interactions. These methods also tend to circumvent skeptical review by the student so the student becomes dependent on the teacher. This can lead to stagnation in personal evolution and can be highly unsatisfying to the rational side of the students nature.

I tell my students that they should only give total devotion their inner Self and highest Source. Their highest available guidance on a conscious level may come from a physical teacher, but that will not last long on a good spiritual path. Eventually, students become their own teachers. They establish a clear link between themselves and Source. Inner Silent Knowledge becomes their guide. This has certainly been my experience in my own practice of the anhad sound techniques.

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