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Mool Mantar Debate Ended


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Whilst I commend veer je for his amazing vids etc I think you will find to make it as simple as there is no argument to have isn't what the panth has been doing for the last 150 years... whilst I agree to debate the point is futile the reality is somewhat different and we all know that, veer jee should adhere to what the akal takhat says on these matter and not what a taksal or jatha or sampardaaa does, why ? because if we say we accept the akal takhat as the supreme authority then surely we have to accept the marayada ? Plenty will argue over this point, personally don't create a debate where this is not one.

"Everyone agree ? " only if it was that simple....

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Good job, traditional samparda's always have the above understanding (as listed in video) from spiritual aspect or by looking at grand scheme of things. Whilst there were gurmat theological differences between mool mantar lengths they never mixed gurmat scholary theological discussion done behind the scenes with sikh spiritual sadhana/efforts regarding doing jaap of mool mantar and above mantars regardless of lengths and made bold statements those who does jaap up to gurparsad - all will go to hell.

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Interesting, thank you for this.

I read somewhere that we should not do beej mantar, as it can be dangerous and only ve high status spiritual people should.

Now everytime i say or think Ik Onkaar when starting Mool mantar right i get scare, if i dont say the rest.too.

Also what should the Maha mantar be done for, as been used to Mool mantar. Dont understand the difference between them, even though its said no difference, please help me understand why one has the extra bani and the other not.

Maf karo if not understood properly.

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Ok been tryin to find out, and think i got it now, was Maha mantar given to Guru Nanak Dev ji by Akaal Purakh ji themselves, and had the extra added on by Guru Nanak Dev ji when they came back from the river, thus making it Mool Mantar? Thanku for the Nirgun Sargun bit?

But not able to understand if one does just Maha mantar, does that mean a spiritual person would only see nirgun form and the sargun.

Sorry to go on just tryin to understand it properly for myself.

So would it ok to do Maha Mantar instead, no difference is that right? One does not attain anything different from the other, whatever i am not comfortable with?

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Don't forget that Sant Gurbachan Singh has written that both "waheguru" mantar and "ik onkaar" can be beej mantar. Although I believe bij mantar is "waheguru" I respect Sant jee's view that "ik onkaar" is also bij mantar aswell as "waheguru"

So chanting "waheguru waheguru" equals doing both gurmantar and bij mantar jaap!

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