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Please Do Aardaas For Me

Guest Jagmeet Kaur

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Guest Jagmeet Kaur

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

I am an Amritdhari Gursikh in America and I really need everyone's help. I am going through a very difficult time in my life, I am doing Sukhmani Sahib to get out of this difficult situation and my mom is doing the same so I get out of this difficult time. Please if you all take out two minutes from life and pray for me...maybe Waheguru will listen and accept my request. I am really in a terrible situation and I am no longer able to handle it. Please I really need everyone's help. Please do pray for me.

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Waheguru ji, good to see you getting back on track, in addition to the above, listen to Sukhmani Saib diyan visheshtayian by Bhai Guriqbal Singh ji Mata Kaulawale..

many inspiring real stories from people like us, whoc got out of trouble with Faith in Guru sahib and Gurbani.....lots of simran and stories, beautifully explained by Bhai sahib.

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Guest Truth

Satnaam ji, life is a test, dontlet the illusion fool you. Believe in Truth through thick and thin, for better or worse- nirboah and nirvair- being all loving and without fear- for All is Him.

Satnaam-Truth is His name

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Guest Jagmeet Kaur

Thank you everyone. Please everyone continue to pray for me. I am sure Waheguru ji will listen soo after listening to everyone's prayer. Please i really need all of you to do ardaas for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

WAHEGURU JI KHALSA WAHEGURUJI KI FATEH! please read the sabad in quote GGSJ ANG 757. start with "RAAG SUHI ASHTPADIAN MAHALA 4 GHAR DUJA" you will forget all your worries. DO'NOT leave sikhi path. we all go throgh tough times. Take it easy. keep your self calm in tough situations, remmeber god in heart 24-7. it is not easy but once you have love with God then pain and pleasure will be the same gift from God.

ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
Ik▫oaʼnkār saṯgur parsāḏ.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
कोई आणि मिलावै मेरा प्रीतमु पिआरा हउ तिसु पहि आपु वेचाई ॥१॥
Ko▫ī āṇ milāvai merā parīṯam pi▫ārā ha▫o ṯis pėh āp vecẖā▫ī. ||1||
If only someone would come, and lead me to meet my Darling Beloved; I would sell myself to him. ||1||
दरसनु हरि देखण कै ताई ॥
Ḏarsan har ḏekẖaṇ kai ṯā▫ī.
I long for the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan.
क्रिपा करहि ता सतिगुरु मेलहि हरि हरि नामु धिआई ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
Kirpā karahi ṯā saṯgur melėh har har nām ḏẖi▫ā▫ī. ||1|| rahā▫o.
When the Lord shows Mercy unto me, then I meet the True Guru; I meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||Pause||
जे सुखु देहि त तुझहि अराधी दुखि भी तुझै धिआई ॥२॥
Je sukẖ ḏėh ṯa ṯujẖėh arāḏẖī ḏukẖ bẖī ṯujẖai ḏẖi▫ā▫ī. ||2||
If You will bless me with happiness, then I will worship and adore You. Even in pain, I will meditate on You. ||2||
जे भुख देहि त इत ही राजा दुख विचि सूख मनाई ॥३॥
Je bẖukẖ ḏėh ṯa iṯ hī rājā ḏukẖ vicẖ sūkẖ manā▫ī. ||3||
Even if You give me hunger, I will still feel satisfied; I am joyful, even in the midst of sorrow. ||3||
तनु मनु काटि काटि सभु अरपी विचि अगनी आपु जलाई ॥४॥
Ŧan man kāt kāt sabẖ arpī vicẖ agnī āp jalā▫ī. ||4||
I would cut my mind and body apart into pieces, and offer them all to You; I would burn myself in fire. ||4||
पखा फेरी पाणी ढोवा जो देवहि सो खाई ॥५॥
Pakẖā ferī pāṇī dẖovā jo ḏevėh so kẖā▫ī. ||5||
I wave the fan over You, and carry water for You; whatever You give me, I take. ||5||
नानकु गरीबु ढहि पइआ दुआरै हरि मेलि लैहु वडिआई ॥६॥
Nānak garīb dẖėh pa▫i▫ā ḏu▫ārai har mel laihu vadi▫ā▫ī. ||6||
Poor Nanak has fallen at the Lord's Door; please, O Lord, unite me with Yourself, by Your Glorious Greatness. ||6||
अखी काढि धरी चरणा तलि सभ धरती फिरि मत पाई ॥७॥
Akẖī kādẖ ḏẖarī cẖarṇā ṯal sabẖ ḏẖarṯī fir maṯ pā▫ī. ||7||
Taking out my eyes, I place them at Your Feet; after travelling over the entire earth, I have come to understand this. ||7||
जे पासि बहालहि ता तुझहि अराधी जे मारि कढहि भी धिआई ॥८॥
Je pās bahālėh ṯā ṯujẖėh arāḏẖī je mār kadẖėh bẖī ḏẖi▫ā▫ī. ||8||
If You seat me near You, then I worship and adore You. Even if You beat me and drive me out, I will still meditate on You. ||8||
जे लोकु सलाहे ता तेरी उपमा जे निंदै त छोडि न जाई ॥९॥
Je lok salāhe ṯā ṯerī upmā je ninḏai ṯa cẖẖod na jā▫ī. ||9||
If people praise me, the praise is Yours. Even if they slander me, I will not leave You. ||9||
जे तुधु वलि रहै ता कोई किहु आखउ तुधु विसरिऐ मरि जाई ॥१०॥
Je ṯuḏẖ val rahai ṯā ko▫ī kihu ākẖa▫o ṯuḏẖ visri▫ai mar jā▫ī. ||10||
If You are on my side, then anyone can say anything. But if I were to forget You, then I would die. ||10||
वारि वारि जाई गुर ऊपरि पै पैरी संत मनाई ॥११॥
vār vār jā▫ī gur ūpar pai pairī sanṯ manā▫ī. ||11||
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to my Guru; falling at His Feet, I surrender to the Saintly Guru. ||11||
नानकु विचारा भइआ दिवाना हरि तउ दरसन कै ताई ॥१२॥
Nānak vicẖārā bẖa▫i▫ā ḏivānā har ṯa▫o ḏarsan kai ṯā▫ī. ||12||
Poor Nanak has gone insane, longing for the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan. ||12||
झखड़ु झागी मीहु वरसै भी गुरु देखण जाई ॥१३॥
Jẖakẖaṛ jẖāgī mīhu varsai bẖī gur ḏekẖaṇ jā▫ī. ||13||
Even in violent storms and torrential rain, I go out to catch a glimpse of my Guru. ||13||
समुंदु सागरु होवै बहु खारा गुरसिखु लंघि गुर पहि जाई ॥१४॥
Samunḏ sāgar hovai baho kẖārā gursikẖ langẖ gur pėh jā▫ī. ||14||
Even though the oceans and the salty seas are very vast, the GurSikh will cross over it to get to his Guru. ||14||
जिउ धरती सोभ करे जलु बरसै तिउ सिखु गुर मिलि बिगसाई ॥१६॥
Ji▫o ḏẖarṯī sobẖ kare jal barsai ṯi▫o sikẖ gur mil bigsā▫ī. ||16||
Just as the earth looks beautiful when the rain falls, so does the Sikh blossom forth meeting the Guru. ||16||
सेवक का होइ सेवकु वरता करि करि बिनउ बुलाई ॥१७॥
Sevak kā ho▫e sevak varṯā kar kar bin▫o bulā▫ī. ||17||
I long to be the servant of Your servants; I call upon You reverently in prayer. ||17||
नानक की बेनंती हरि पहि गुर मिलि गुर सुखु पाई ॥१८॥
Nānak kī benanṯī har pėh gur mil gur sukẖ pā▫ī. ||18||
Nanak offers this prayer to the Lord, that he may meet the Guru, and find peace. ||18||
तू आपे गुरु चेला है आपे गुर विचु दे तुझहि धिआई ॥१९॥
Ŧū āpe gur cẖelā hai āpe gur vicẖ ḏe ṯujẖėh ḏẖi▫ā▫ī. ||19||
You Yourself are the Guru, and You Yourself are the chaylaa, the disciple; through the Guru, I meditate on You. ||19||
जो तुधु सेवहि सो तूहै होवहि तुधु सेवक पैज रखाई ॥२०॥
Jo ṯuḏẖ sevėh so ṯūhai hovėh ṯuḏẖ sevak paij rakẖā▫ī. ||20||
Those who serve You, become You. You preserve the honor of Your servants. ||20||
भंडार भरे भगती हरि तेरे जिसु भावै तिसु देवाई ॥२१॥
Bẖandār bẖare bẖagṯī har ṯere jis bẖāvai ṯis ḏevā▫ī. ||21||
O Lord, Your devotional worship is a treasure over-flowing. One who loves You, is blessed with it. ||21||
जिसु तूं देहि सोई जनु पाए होर निहफल सभ चतुराई ॥२२॥
Jis ṯūʼn ḏėh so▫ī jan pā▫e hor nihfal sabẖ cẖaṯurā▫ī. ||22||
That humble being alone receives it, unto whom You bestow it. All other clever tricks are fruitless. ||22||
सिमरि सिमरि सिमरि गुरु अपुना सोइआ मनु जागाई ॥२३॥
Simar simar simar gur apunā so▫i▫ā man jāgā▫ī. ||23||
Remembering, remembering, remembering my Guru in meditation, my sleeping mind is awakened. ||23||
इकु दानु मंगै नानकु वेचारा हरि दासनि दासु कराई ॥२४॥
Ik ḏān mangai Nānak vecẖārā har ḏāsan ḏās karā▫ī. ||24||
Poor Nanak begs for this one blessing, that he may become the slave of the slaves of the Lord. ||24||
जे गुरु झिड़के त मीठा लागै जे बखसे त गुर वडिआई ॥२५॥
Je gur jẖiṛke ṯa mīṯẖā lāgai je bakẖse ṯa gur vadi▫ā▫ī. ||25||
Even if the Guru rebukes me, He still seems very sweet to me. And if He actually forgives me, that is the Guru's greatness. ||25||
गुरमुखि बोलहि सो थाइ पाए मनमुखि किछु थाइ न पाई ॥२६॥
Gurmukẖ bolėh so thā▫e pā▫e manmukẖ kicẖẖ thā▫e na pā▫ī. ||26||
That which Gurmukh speaks is certified and approved. Whatever the self-willed manmukh says is not accepted. ||26||
पाला ककरु वरफ वरसै गुरसिखु गुर देखण जाई ॥२७॥
Pālā kakar varaf varsai gursikẖ gur ḏekẖaṇ jā▫ī. ||27||
Even in the cold, the frost and the snow, the GurSikh still goes out to see his Guru. ||27||
सभु दिनसु रैणि देखउ गुरु अपुना विचि अखी गुर पैर धराई ॥२८॥
Sabẖ ḏinas raiṇ ḏekẖ▫a▫u gur apunā vicẖ akẖī gur pair ḏẖarā▫ī. ||28||
All day and night, I gaze upon my Guru; I install the Guru's Feet in my eyes. ||28||
अनेक उपाव करी गुर कारणि गुर भावै सो थाइ पाई ॥२९॥
Anek upāv karī gur kāraṇ gur bẖāvai so thā▫e pā▫ī. ||29||
I make so many efforts for the sake of the Guru; only that which pleases the Guru is accepted and approved. ||29||
रैणि दिनसु गुर चरण अराधी दइआ करहु मेरे साई ॥३०॥
Raiṇ ḏinas gur cẖaraṇ arāḏẖī ḏa▫i▫ā karahu mere sā▫ī. ||30||
Night and day, I worship the Guru's Feet in adoration; have Mercy upon me, O my Lord and Master. ||30||
नानक का जीउ पिंडु गुरू है गुर मिलि त्रिपति अघाई ॥३१॥
Nānak kā jī▫o pind gurū hai gur mil ṯaripaṯ agẖā▫ī. ||31||
The Guru is Nanak's body and soul; meeting the Guru, he is satisfied and satiated. ||31||
नानक का प्रभु पूरि रहिओ है जत कत तत गोसाई ॥३२॥१॥
Nānak kā parabẖ pūr rahi▫o hai jaṯ kaṯ ṯaṯ gosā▫ī. ||32||1||
Nanak's God is perfectly permeating and all-pervading. Here and there and everywhere, the Lord of the Universe. ||32||1||
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