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when does a book become SGGS

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weird question i know but when does a book become ~SGGS?

In the printing process where does it start full to full cover printed of SGGS become SGGS, or where the paper comes from or how the ink is manufactured, or one word of gurbani or a sentence or a ang? we have bani on t shirts etc everything now adays

also reading this site http://srec.gurmat.info/srecpublications/aboutcompilationofsrigurugranthsahib/appendix2/

makes the guru sound like composing adi granth and bring together records and compositions but calls SGGS the book and records which makes it sound like only the fully printed copy(or maybe even handwritten copy) of SGGS is valid

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When you do prakash and bow to it, is when it becomes the Guru.

In the printing, binding and gluing process it is still being produced and undergoing quality controls for layout, pages (numbering and missing), misprints, misalignments and it's general structure.

Many people will be involved in this manufacturing process and they won't have much delving into the actual written word of the shabad but more so the whole layout.

PS. that is what I assume and I don't actually know too much detail about the manufacturing process.

So, I may be completely off course here!!!

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