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Historical Sikhi Photos


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thanks mehtab singh !

5th photo (taken from another person who says it was found in their grandparents home ''story behind this picture is that when Bibi Balwant Kaur Ji (Africa) was building a Gurdwara in Sultanpur they excavated a house. Inside the basement of this house they excavated they found this picture of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

According to Bibi Balwant Kaur Ji this is an actual image of Guru Nanak Dev Ji who is about to leave for his travels with Mardana. In this picture is also Guru Nanak's sister Bibi Nanaki & Guru Nanak's Wife.

The Gurdwara that now stands where this picture was found is Gurdwara Bibi Nanaki- Sultanpur.''

6-12 are photos from ghalugara of june 1984 operation bluestar

then 2 photos of guru gobind singh ji then 2 of guru nanak dev ji

22 is gurdwara shahida sahib

30 guru jis travel to deccan

31 shaheed kartar singh sarabha

32 maharaja ranjit singh

33 nihangs

36 37 and 38 are operation bluestar photos in 38 houses around golden temple have beeen damaged











































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Dear Bhaiinoh/Paiyo, some wonderful pictures ... however, sorry to be a bad spoilsport but I wanted to express something that a certain number of our Panth strongly believe in. That is that, ICONOGRAPHY in the way Christians, Hindu's + Muslims are famous for ... IS, imho, a VERY DANGEROUS thing. Guru Sahib were explicitly clear that they forbade us to indulge in it. Furthermore, many Sikhs feel uncomfortable with images we are "fed" of our Guru's. The truest image we can form of our Guru's should surely come from their words and the records of their actions ... rather than what an individual artist's beautiful (yet imperfect) perception was. No picture can ever do justice to our Guru's. So why do artists attempt it? We should also remember that an incredibly high percentage of what can loosely be termed as Sikh iconography .... conveniently seemed to have often resided in the hands of Muslims whose ancestors were in some way connected to the Mughals + the families of Hindu Mahants ... We need to be very careful and ask ourselves if someone like Nelson Mandela would wish for his legacy to be preserved by keeping his shoes from the (random) year 1998? And if the answer to that question is no, he would much rather we educate ourselves about the evils of apartheid and racism instead of putting his shoes in a museum and marvelling at them ... then perhaps we need to apply that same thought process to those Highest of the High that contributed to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj

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Dear Bhaiinoh/Paiyo, some wonderful pictures ... however, sorry to be a bad spoilsport but I wanted to express something that a certain number of our Panth strongly believe in. That is that, ICONOGRAPHY in the way Christians, Hindu's + Muslims are famous for ... IS, imho, a VERY DANGEROUS thing. Guru Sahib were explicitly clear that they forbade us to indulge in it. Furthermore, many Sikhs feel uncomfortable with images we are "fed" of our Guru's. The truest image we can form of our Guru's should surely come from their words and the records of their actions ... rather than what an individual artist's beautiful (yet imperfect) perception was. No picture can ever do justice to our Guru's. So why do artists attempt it? We should also remember that an incredibly high percentage of what can loosely be termed as Sikh iconography .... conveniently seemed to have often resided in the hands of Muslims whose ancestors were in some way connected to the Mughals + the families of Hindu Mahants ... We need to be very careful and ask ourselves if someone like Nelson Mandela would wish for his legacy to be preserved by keeping his shoes from the (random) year 1998? And if the answer to that question is no, he would much rather we educate ourselves about the evils of apartheid and racism instead of putting his shoes in a museum and marvelling at them ... then perhaps we need to apply that same thought process to those Highest of the High that contributed to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj

Sorry, but do not agree at all with your thinking at all! Pictures sometimes help the mind comprehend that Guru Ji actually existed in all His Greatness; we're not worshiping the pictures themselves. Also, why would you ever want to throw away something from Guru Ji's time!?!? I'd rather we preserve EVERYTHING WE CAN, especially the blessed things that they themselves touched. People can and should marvel at their sandals. the feet of God touched them. As to what they'd want us to do, I think they'd be indifferent, happy regardless what happens. Mendella, meanwhile, doesn't comapare.


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Sorry, but do not agree at all with your thinking at all!

>>Fair enough brother, I respect your right to hold the opinion you do (even though I equally strongly disagree with you :-)

Pictures sometimes help the mind comprehend that Guru Ji actually existed in all His Greatness;

>>That's correct to an extent ... but if the pictures don't do our Guru's justice ... or perpetuate historical or factual inaccuracies then surely we should rely solely on their words and the records of their actions ... to gain an idea of the illumination of their true light.

we're not worshiping the pictures themselves.

>>True (as that would make us too similar to our Christian, Muslim + Hindu friends)

Also, why would you ever want to throw away something from Guru Ji's time!?!?

>> Respectfully, Paji, I didn't actually say we should throw anything away.

I'd rather we preserve EVERYTHING WE CAN, especially the blessed things that they themselves touched.

>>Can you categorically prove that all items are historically legit? Without relying upon the say so of some Muhammad Mughal or Chand Dass? And even if they were, how can they ever compare to SGGS Ji Maharaj in terms of educating us about the Truth that Guru Sahib teaches us regarding?

People can and should marvel at their sandals.

>>I strongly disagree Paji. Ask yourself what would Guru Sahib think of that?

the feet of God touched them.

>>Again I feel very uncomfortable with your statement above.

>>And ask yourself again if Guru Sahib would word it like that?

As to what they'd want us to do, I think they'd be indifferent, happy regardless what happens.

>>In a spiritual sense what we do hardly matters to those at one with ParmAathma

>> ... but "happy"!? ... i don't think so Paji :-)

Mendella, meanwhile, doesn't comapare.

>>Exactly - if Mandela isn't on the same level as the Guru's + we wouldn't really focus on his shoes (as opposed to his anti-apartheid message) then why do we, imho, not accord our Guru's greater respect?

But thanks for putting your point across Paji. Rabh Rakha

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i dont agree...if we start taking Iconograph that wrong, if we start to pooj the photos and treat them as god then speak but what is wrong with looking at certain events in history people learn from it, shows how we have changed, if it wasnt for many photos of shaheeds, events we would not have description of our history and is a way to perserve it...this thread was just to get photos related to events in history relating to sikhs or art work/inspiration photos and certain images sangat liked...the aim isnt to get sikhs away from the shabad guru nor is it an attempt to get sikhs away from guru and all inspiration etc that guru ji gives us or to compare to it.....all other lines are your opinions related to art work and attempts...art is just another way people express themselves and wish to draw their gurus also some agree some don't understandable that gurbani is shabad guru... rather than the piece of art....the aim of this thread was to just gather the art in one place in where people can get art of the guru but that does not mean everyone comes with same state of mind when they view the art and every 1 views is different and by understanding its just art should be important...if a sangat membor has been praying to the art or looking at it for only reference to our guru and as a justification of remembering our guru then it is wrong but thats not the matt all people look through

this thread is better kept for historical photos ....if u dont like the paintings then sorry; not trying to get sikhs to use photos as the only and as a best way to connect to guru ji, as bani is the guru but photos are art in rememberance of the guru ans serve smaller purposes...iv said before the art is not to used as poojan li sangat ji but sometimes it serves as rememberance of some scenes and some qualities guru ji had but in no way can it be compared to what guru granth sahib ji expresses...sangat keep in mind these are only depictions and ones expressing of art

note this is a pinned thread out of kindness of Mehtab Singh and hun vichar den wale vi boht ho sakde ne i have benti if sangat wants to discuss use of images in sikhi then open a new thread, please, meherbani !

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