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Naam Isn'T For Everybody!


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Guru Sahib said: "O Mardana! The world is engrossed in material things. It is not aware of the

g r e a t n e s s o f t h e N a m e . " M a r d a n a r e p l i e d : " O sovereign, but you advise and enlighten the people so much, and yet they do not understand and realize the importance of the Name?"

Guru Sahib observed:

" I t i s not in the i r de s t iny to obtain the Name . Without great good fortune, one does not find a Guru (Holy Preceptor) and without the Guru's grace, one does not attain the gift of God's Name. Bereft of good fortune are people wandering about. We, of course , do cal l out to them and exhort them. "

Mardana said: "Sir, you advise and explain so much. You deliver discourses to them and sing Divine

laudations. Even then why don't they understand and why do they remain as they were?"

Guru Sahib replied: "O Mardana! They don't appreciate the glory o f t h e N a m e . T h e y a r e n o t i n c l i n e d t o w a r d s spirituality. Their interest is somewhere else. They do not try to understand either. They are busy in eating and drinking like animals and beasts." When

Mardana persisted with his question, Guru Sahib said, "Now be quiet. You will understand when we

show you practically."

As they travelled farther, on the next day, Guru Sahib said, "Look Mardana! What i s that ? " He

r e p l i e d : " S i r , t h e y a p p e a r t o b e r o o f t o p s o f b u i l d i n g s i n a c i t y . T h e y l o o k l i k e d o m e s constructed on the tops of the buildings." Guru Sahib


"Again a city has come - Bishambarpur. It is called Patna; earlier it was known as Patliputra.

Well, I shall sit here, while you should go to have food." Mardana started laughing and said, "Sir!

Should I go to have my meals?" Guru Sahib asked:

"What makes you laugh?" Mardana was Guru Sahib's c h i l d h o o d f r i e n d , wh o a lwa y s l i v e d wi t h h im. Besides, Guru Sahib never tried to overawe anybody. He was an embodiment of pure love. He was quite humorous. He never frightened anyone. He did not have an angry demeanor with raised eyebrows and wrinkles on the forehead. Guru Sahib's face was ever

blooming like a flower. Whoever saw him – whether bird or animal - wished to come into his presence.

Everyone felt attracted towards him. Big dacoits experienced for themselves how they were charmed as soon as they had a glimpse of him, for the like of him they had not seen before. So it was with such a Guru Nanak Sahib that Mardana could talk freely and frankly. Guru Sahib asked him:

"Why did you laugh?" He replied: "Sir, you told me to go and have my food as if my friends and acquaintances were living in the city." At this Guru Sahib asked:

"Then what do you do to procure food for yourself?" He replied: "True sovereign! First, I exercise great care. As a result of my living with you, I have learnt many things through experience because we have been wandering in alien places. I have learnt to read p e o p l e s ' f a c e s . F i r s t , I o b s e r v e w h e t h e r s o m e fortunate person has a cheerful countenance. Only a

rare person do I come across who has a smiling face."

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