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Any Shabad For When Being Attacked By Vikaars?

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Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh sadhsangat jio!

Daas knows that alot of sangat members here listen to alot of katha, read gurmat books and spend time with sants. I was hoping any pyare could share if they know of any shabads to be recited when the mind suddenly comes under the attack of panj vikaar. Especially in my case when under attack from KAAM. Like sometimes without even seeing any thing to cause lust the lust comes in to my mind anyway. Is there any shabad to remember during such an attack which is especially good at slaughtering the kaam?

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Daas would highly recommend doing shaheedi jaap!

ppl spend years waking up at amritvela, doing naam abyass for hours, they even do naam simran while walking around during the day but there mind is never focusd on gurbani (Ik raas)

The problem is, that when the youth do naam abyaas they do it as if god is far away from them, and they are therefore never able to concentrate their mind. In ordering to concentrate your mind, YOU HAVE TO REALISE THAT GOD IS ALWAYS WITH YOU THAT HE IS NOT FARWAY FROM YOU, GOD IS CLOSER TO YOU THAN YOUR SKIN IS CLOSER TO YOUR BODY.

The whole point of shaheedi jaap is to remember that guru sahib and other mahan gursikhs are giving shaheedi right infront of your eyes at the PRESENT MOMENT, and they are standing on top of your head and are standing right infront of you.

JUST think about it there are gursikhs that do naam simran for months and they try to control their lust and after a couple of months they think they have controlled it but somehow they still fall down to a kaami vikaar after all that hard work

So whats the reason and why does this happen?

This happens because we dont realise that god is always with us and is always WATCHING US!

if we can realise this then we will be able to control and destroy our vikkar

One method or jugti that daas has learnt from having sangat of Bhagat Jaswant Singh Jee 'khalsa' is to remember Guru Arjun Dev Sahib Jee Shaheedi.

Why was i told to remember Guru sahibs shaheedi? This reason is because i was told that when a vikaar such as lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego come to your mind which causes you start to commit the bad karam. You should start to remember that RIGHT now Guru Arjun Dev Sahib Jee is standing on a hot plate. By remembering and reciting guru sahib's shaheedi how can you look at the opposite gender? becuase when you remember guru sahib is standing on a hot plate right infront of your eyes, how can you look at the opposite gender?

In addition shaheedi jaap gives a gursikh viraag and makes them realise guru sahib's sacrafice and this will allow them to concentrate with FULL attention on NAAM Simran!

please visitwww.gursevak.com and view the shaheedi jaap in bal updesh

Bhul Chuk Maaf kaarna

Waheguru jee ka khalsa waheguru jee kee fateh

Shaheedi Jaap.pdf

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