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Sukha And Mehtab Singh And The Dasam Granth


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Have any of you come across the tradition of the Dasam Granth being compiled in its current form as the result of the successful assasination of Massa Ranghar in Amritsar.

I was wondering what the oldest reference to this is? Is it Rattan Singh Bhangu's Panth Prakash?

Please share your knowledge.

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What I don't get about this story is, just because Dhan Dhan Bhai Sukha Singh Ji and Dhan Dhan Bhai Mehtab Singh Ji were successful, it doesn't neccessarily mean that it was because of Dasam Granth, does it not make sense that massa rangar was going to be sorted out by singhs anyway? Just saying, what if Dasam Granth wasn't supposed to be compiled together? I mean thats not reason for Massa Rangar to walk free?

Please don't view this post as arguing either for or against dasam granth ji, I'm only asking about the sakhi because I'm a moorakh banda.

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Duuring the times that Sikhs were forced into the deserts, some of the panth's leaders and philosophers were debating whether or not to seperate sri dasam granth sahib ji in to two pothis or keep it as one (why they tried to separate it, I dont know). Mehtab Singh and Sukha Singh made a sharat, that if they came back with massa rangharh's head, sri dasam would be left in one pothi. if not, then they could split sri dasam into two pothis

Of course, they came back with the head, so Sri Dasam is in one birh to this day

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Some time back, on this forum a veer 'Inder Singh jee" told that they have copies of a Dasam Granth bir of 1697, the patna bir and the hazur bir, 1698. This means the during the time of Dashmesh Pita(and before the formation of Khalsa in 1699), Dasam Granth was already compiled into 1 granth.

May be after 1708, when sikhs went through immense tough times, some singhs might have started to think about Dasam Granth was a collection of books.

I personally feel, Dasam Granth is a compiled text from Jaap Sahib to Charitopakhayan(benti chaupai) and the compilation was done by DASHMESH PITA.

Dhan Dhan Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Jee

Dhan Dhan Sri GURU Granth Sahib MAHARAJ Jee.

I personally feel at all amrit sanchars, there shud be parkash of Dasam Granth at a level slightly lower than the parkash of Guru Granth Sahib Jee.

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Dasam Granth Sahib ji was laready in one pothi. Issue was, they were going to separate it if the two singhs were unsuccessful.

Some nefarious people (not referrign to the people on this thread), lie and say that it was in separate pothi and would be joined together if they were successful.

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the funny thing is that even back in the day they were having sharats on dasam granth, according to the sakhi...not me.

take it as you like...i think any granth can be viewed objectively if one has had darshan of sri guru granth sahib ji. going to any other granth without darshan and some gian of guru granth sahib ji would lead to serious dubidha.


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bhai mani singh did two works which made panth to sit together and decide ...

one was they sorted bani and made a granth in which it was first guru nanak sahibs bani then guru angad sahibs bani and so on ... which was not accepted by panth ...

second was they made a joint granth adi guru granth sahib and sri dasam granth it was under one jild ... the joint granth was accepted by panth ... it was this granth and was being proposed that guru granth sahib and sri dasam granth should be seprated !!!

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k heres the story..

After the Shaheedi of Bhai Mani Singh, the compiled saroop of Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji was sent to Damdama Sahib. The Scholars of the time were in discussion of whether to separate the Bani in Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji, in particular Charitro Pakhyan.

Bhai Mehtab Singh listened to the debate and made a suggestion. If him and Bhai Sukha Singh are successful in their mission to eliminate Massa Rangar, then the Bani should be kept in one saroop. However, if they would not return then the Bani should be separated.

Bhai Mehtab Singh and Bhai Sukha Singh were successful in their mission. They decapitated Massa Ranger and reached triumphantly at Damdama Sahib. A great honour was showered on these brave warrioirs and Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji was left in the form prepared by Bhai Mani Singh Ji. (Gurmat Sudhakar, Kahn Singh Nabha)

nindaks do all the nindiya u want. Guru Dasam Granth IS gurbani and forever will be gurbani!

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