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Is Man Vegetarian Or Cornivorous!


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I will post later a more concise article from research.

Man is neither Purely Carniverous, nor purely Vegetarian.

The Sikh diet relies heavily upon milk thus is Lacto-Vegetarian.

Milk is the most biologically potent, valuable protein source on the planet bar none.

Yes previous versions of man evolved as meat-eaters and vegetarians thus omnivorous. It was a part of natural human evolution. However, as the turn of agricultural and industrial revolutions came into play human species would continue to evolve. We no longer have the original diets that we used to have. Most importantly, we are still evolving at a conscious and spiritual level.

Baba Buddha ji who lived to be 122 years of age is proof positive that lacto-vegetarianism, active life (naturally at that time), and caloric restriction (sleep little, eat little was the way), and meditation all can lead to healthy modern living within the confines of an industrialised world.

The same applies today, we are highly seperated from our environments as opposed to connected to them.

Will post again with more info

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like mskcan said, man is neither but more commonly known as an omni-vore. My personal opinion is that I see too many negatives to meat than positives. From a purely scientific stand point, there is always going to be risk because Meat will carry disease. Mad-cow, undercooking, food poisoning and plenty of other diseases and bacteria are unnecessary risks, and are reason enough without other implications to not eat meat. In response to the article, does it really matter if vegetarians never become mr. universe or mr. world? These are trivial things, but I suppose that is more important to body builders than it is to me. That being said, I do know some exceptionally strong people that happen to be vegetarians.

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Wow, some of the article's comments are... :|


I swallowed a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. I put a little mustard on the meat, held my nose, and ate the turkey burger. I took four or five hydrochloric tablets and waited.

So by drinking vinegar (acidic) and taking tablets after his meal (more acid) he proves that if you eat acid with your food you're ok?? How does that prove that the stomach has sufficient amount of HCl acid to fight off the bacteria-infested food he ate? Surely he just biased his results by "helping" his stomach

Then the following paragraph comments on how processed foods are alkaline.. OK Fair enough but hwo did that make him reach the conclusion of "

We've become carbohydrate eaters, consuming cookies..... We're starting to become alkaline. When you become alkaline, you lose your hydrochloric acid.

The body says 'why should I manufacture it, when I have no need for it?' You become alkaline, and that's when you become a victim. This is the number one, most important reason why I feel man is not meant to be a vegetarian


Firstly, citrus fruits like orange, lemon etc are very acidic in nature.

But that was assuming his logic worked in the first place!! If you consume acidic material, why would your body createmore acid? Surely your boy would counteract that effect by creating an alkaline..? (Saliva has a high pH)

He makes references to alkalosis/acidosis. People who studied the GI system should know that when the stomach secretes more acid via the Proton pump, the organism goes through *Metabolic alkalosis* as more Bicarbonate ions are pumped into the blood. Hence bulimic's are at a high risk of metabolic alkalosis, since they vomit out acid and stomach tries to secrete more acid to compensate.

... continued

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2. Cellulase argument: Cellulose (a sugar molecule) can not be broken down by humans, but excreted out. Isn't that a good thing, since the article talks so much against sugar intake..?

3. Man over hundreds and thousands of years had evolved to consume Raw meat and Raw plants (fruits etc). Agriculture, and the cooking of food (arguably the biggest turn in evolution ever) enabled humans to consume vegetables that were toxic raw (eg: potatoes, legumes). I acknowledge that. However, the calories of food intake also doubled as a result. So in my opinion, the proteins that were available in raw meat in the past could now be accessed via: cooked beans.

4. The reason why Rats are tested for medicine etc is because it is the animal that has DNA that most closely resembles human DNA. Not based on their diet. I could easily use your logic and say medicine works worse for black people as tests are carried out on white rats...

5. The gorilla argument, whether it's pro-meat or anti-meat, i just ignore it.. I find both sides just as flawed (and frankly ridiculous).

... continued

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6. Mr "something" indeed.. as the article said before, it's now taken over by steroid users.. so using that as a platform of an argument... hmm

7. You use history to argue ascientific point - diverting an argument by changin the topic? If you look at present rather than history, studies show benefits of vegetarianism compared to meat eating. Plus, if you look at the idea of Energy pyramids of food chains (Biology A-level stuff) you'll realise that you'll get more energy from plants. If a buffalo (using your example) eats grass etc.. Some of that energy will be used in living - ie: running around doing what buffalos do.. That energy is lost. Only *part* of that energy is stored as fat/muscle protein.


Vegetarians say that it is harmful to the body to eat too much protein. This is ridiculous; it's like saying that you can drink too much water. Some "reasonable" people will say 'everything in moderation'. Does that work with arsenic?

Please research on water poisoning. i'm not joking.

..continued... again

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a recent, conclusive review of the scientific literature on this topic has shown that high-protein diets have little or no effect on kidney function.

There is no research that is able to link increased protein intake to kidney damage or disease. Obviously, people with a pre-existing kidney condition need to take caution with their dietary protein intake. However, a high protein intake does not damage a healthy kidney.

Source: Nutrition & Metabolism Sept, 2005.


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