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Sttm 2 Update?


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the readme file is in the root folder (C:\Program Files\SikhiToTheMAX II)

although it may look like the same readme file, if you look closely it has dates of the 12th April in.

12 April 2008 - Fixed sorting issue of Shabads (Laavan)

12 April 2008 - Added Laavan to Compiled Banis

12 April 2008 - Corrected versioning to 2.0.*


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WaheguruJeeKaaKhalsa WaheguruJeeKeeFateh!

Sangat jee,

Some of those who were using STTM 2 quite frequently, noticed a few errors that needed resolving.

So this was a ideal time to test the Auto-update function.

This is probably a first for STTM and this facility is something that will make the need for new versions obsolete.

We will be able to add and repair the system when it has been flagged up.

We had tested the Auto-Update during testing but it will only be useful if it was tested by the Sangat.

As 'singh763173' pointed out that the read me file has the relevant update info:

12 April 2008 - Fixed sorting issue of Shabads (Laavan)

12 April 2008 - Added Laavan to Compiled Banis

12 April 2008 - Corrected versioning to 2.0.*

Sorry we didn't notify earlier, but we need to test and thus the update was sent out.

Hope those who updated didn't have any problems, if you did please email us at the below email address's




WaheguruJeeKaaKhalsa WaheguruJeeKeeFateh!

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