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Posts posted by Big_Tera

  1. 3 hours ago, californiasardar1 said:

    Frankly, I am disgusted by both sides and I am tired of so much of the media's attention being focused on a relatively tiny number of people fighting over a tiny sliver of land.

    I wish Sikhs would stay out of these issues. We have nothing to gain by sticking our necks out when: 1) neither side is in the right, and 2) neither side cares about our issues.


    That's the exact attitude that extremist muslims want. They want a divided non muslim world. A world that looks the other way when things like this happene. We need more non muslim unity as that is the only way we can defeat this extremist ideology by supporting all non muslims when they are being driven out of their own homeland. There's so many countries being threatened by these people. We are only going tk be next on the list. 

    Everytime a non muslim is attacked by the extremist its a direct attack on us all. That's how we should see it. Instead of thinking I'm not getting involved. We don't need to do big public statements. We can do this support covertly also. Hence why there's needs to be a global non muslim defence force or something along those lines. Ready to defend the non muslims rights and freedoms. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Ranjeet01 said:

    Nothing really shocking from a Jihadi to be honest.

    Only savagery on these people really works.

    You have to out-muslim the muslim in this case unfortunately. It is the only language they understand.

    I think the only thing that will stop Hamas is complete genocide of Gaza. 

    Not something I am proud or happy to say 

    They have gone a step further then their usual cruelty and evilness. It seems Hamas did this to up the stakes. They have realised that their usual bombings are not making any impact. So this new level of brutality shows that they are becoming more desperate. 

    What they are hoping for is that isrealis leave on their own accord by striking a new level of fear into them by beheading babies and killing children to break their resolve. 

    Even so many of our own people support palestine and hamas. These same people need to see who they are supporting. 

  3. We are all shocked to hear and read about the sickening terror attacks on Isreal by mindless, crazed religious fanatics of Hamas that are supported by Iran and others. I am not saying isreal are angels but theres no justification for they did to children, elderly and women.

    What Hamas did was what many have faced in times gone by when sword of islam wiped out whole religions and peoples as they were considered a "non believer" with devestating consquences. We witneseed babies throats being slit, children shot, beheadings and cruelty the world has never seen at the hands of these low life scum of the earth. But what happened in isreal only a few days ago was not just an attack on Jews or Isreal. This was an attack on the whole of Humanity. But most importantly and significantly this was not just an attack on the Jewish community alone, but on the whole non muslim world. Yes you and me were attacked only a few days ago. 

    The way the world is at the moment is that it is split in 2 distinct enties and peoples.  There are two distinct and very different kinds of people on earth. A non muslim and a Muslim. A clear divide has emerged and it is time people decided which side of the fence they are sitting on. Any attack on a non muslim by muslims is an attack on us all. 
    The whole world needs to unite to eradicate the extremist element of islam. 

    Its going to take unity from Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs and even people that dont have a faith to unite against these evil doers. Non of us can single handedly take on the extremist. When a Buddhist is attacked it is an attack on us. Thats how we should see it. The muslims have unity yet we non muslims are un unified and that is whats is making us weak. 

    Anywhere in the world when the sword of islam strikes on a non muslim all non muslims need to get together and fight these people. Or other wise we are just going to be the next target down the line. Its time we set up a non muslim global defense league or combat force to stand togther in times when minorities are attacked by these fanatics

    All over the world. Currently muslims are trying to take over countries and enforcing sharia and their religion on others. While us non muslims sit back and watch it happen. Its time for actions. But what lacking is unity. We non muslims dont have its time all non muslims looked at each other and see our common beliefs that we share and try and become more unified and strong. Otherwise prepare for a an islamic world in every country. 

  4. I have come a few questions that get asked on Sikhi. 

    Is Sikh faith an actual religion? Not sure what people mean when they ask this or what they are getting at. 

    Did Guru Nanak Create Sikh religion? Or is Sikhi based on Guru Ji Philosophy..

    Why does Sikhi have so much similarity with Hinduism? I've reincarnation, Karma? 

    Where did Sikhs get the one God belief. Did they copy this from Islam. Some say Guru Nanak was influenced by Islam??

    Btw these are just questions I've come across. I'm not saying these a valid questions.








  5. On 2/19/2023 at 7:19 PM, Dsinghd said:

    Religion is in decline in UK (and rest of world). In another century Atheism will dominate.

    People don’t feel they need a religion to live by. 

    All faiths are in identity crisis (even Islam).

    I think the Khalsa will save this world - read Dasam Granth. Our Gurbani can compete with this.


    Religion has also become our political badge. Who we vote for what we stand for ect. 

    All religions are definantly fading even Islam. Many Muslims like to put up a front that they are religious. But we all know that many from that faith engage in activities that are far from religious. 

    I guess Islam will just take a little longer to fade then the rest. 

  6. I think we have all come across this quote from Guru Nanak Ji. " If your a Hindu be a good Hindu. if your a Muslim be a good Muslim".

    But what is the true meaning of this quote? I've heard some say that this means Guru Nanak is saying all religions are good and lead to the same one God for all. Hence there is no need to convert to any religion . Just stay in your own one.

    But I have also heard alternative meanings for the quote.

    Some say it means Guru Ji is only saying be the best Hindu and Muslim you can be. Ie. follow your own religion correctly and not the first meaning I gave. 

    So which is it? 

  7. On 4/1/2020 at 12:21 AM, genie said:

    Here is my list of current problems we face as a kaum.

    •  Traveling around giving aid / langar to non-sikhs. This thought was put into Sikh psyche as a strategy to destroy Sikhs from within by the enemy who wanted to move Sikhs away from position of strength to weakness. Guru ka langar never went around the world helping non-sikhs like this. Guru Ka langar was based on giving langar to the local sangat community. However was the non-sikh poor masses who came to the Sikhs and gurdwara's to get langar and get parchar to convert to Sikhi that made non-sikhs want to be a Sikh. This current innovation which has been created and run by idiots and is wasting sangats money giving langar away for free with no benefits for the kaum. The biggest gift a Sikh can give to a non-sikh is parchar because by that parchar the Sikh too will have to reform their character to live by what they preach.
    • Not having well armed sewadaar guards of Gurdwara's. Safety and security of guru's house and his congregation should be paramount yet what do we see today? any afghan ahmed abdali, isis salafi muhammad musin, mughal aurangzeb can walk in and kill without any hindrance like we seen recently. What is the fall out? Sikhs will stop coming to gurdwara's and thus gurdwara commitee's lose income and gurdwara shuts down eventually. The non-muslim hating conquest loving isis type jihadi mullah nutjob wins as sikhi is seen as weak and finished eventually because gurdwara's are no longer safe spaces for people wanting to worship and congregate.
    •  Sikhs of sarbat da bhulla mindset. Well meaning humanitarian liberal Sikhs but very gullible very politically and religiously naive not understand the full context of meaning of sarabat da bhalla and when to apply it. perhaps most of them have a sort of stockholm sydromme imprisoned by cultures and ideologies that are against Sikh interests and prevent their own community to survive.
    • Fake Sikh puppet leaders. They are only in it for their own power, fame/popularity contest or financial gain (eg recent akal takht jathedhars, sgpc leaders, DT harnaam singh, Badal dal, congressi captain amrinder singh, etc). We need to support leaders who openly fight for the interests of Sikhs without being shy about it.
    • Not having our own sovereign state nation. To conduct our own economic, military, religious and political affairs is the very reason we have so many problems. But its not necessary for the community to survive and thrive if other problems are dealt with.
    • Inter-faith marriages and lack of promotion of inter-caste or inter-race Sikh marriages. Sikhs should activity promote inter-caste marriages within punjabis at the very least and help promote those non-sikhs to convert to Sikhi to marry someone within the faith.


    Although the factors you mentioned are no doubt detrimental to the prosperity and success of the Sikh community. Alcohol problem trump's all those reasons for me. 

    Sikhs or should I say Punjabis. Have big time alcohol issues that have destroyed the family. 

  8. I have not read all the background information about what has caused these riots. Or how it all started cricket, Hinduvata or a group of boosed up people. ect. 

    But from my gut feeling is Muslims in the UK have been waiting for an opportunity to do some public demonstrations and protests against the BJP or Hinduvata and they finally found it. But there are reports of false information being shared on WhatsApp to stir up tensions. 

    I have also seen that guy Anjum Choudhary back again. no doubt to stir up. 

  9. With the jat Sikhs making the majority in Punjab and having the most power . IE in terms of politics and also religiously. IE all major people controling and running the Gurdwaras being from this demographic.

    Should other castes be give some kind of quota for top jobs so we can have more equality and diversity in the Punjabi society and social strata. Or are they to power hungry and unable to share? 

    I think that is the only way of achieving a strong United Punjab instead of one where there is to much in fighting and resentments. 


  10. 2 hours ago, Premi5 said:


    Sikh man shot dead ‘execution-style’ in a New York neighbourhood, the area had previously seen hate crimes against Sikhs in April


    On June 25, a 31-year-old Sikh man was shot dead in New York in the South Ozone Park area. According to media reports, the deceased identified as Satnam Singh was shot ‘execution-style’ while sitting in a jeep near his home on Saturday afternoon. Singh was rushed to the hospital where doctors declared him dead.

    The New York police informed that the incident happened near the South Ozone Park neighbourhood, next to Richmond Hill where three other Sikh men, in two separate incidents, had been attacked in the month of April. 

    This incident is the fourth such incident of crimes against Sikhs that took place around New York’s Richmond Hill area, in the last three months. Both Richmond Hill and South Ozone Park have large numbers of people of Indian origin.

    As per media reports, there was a discrepancy between the police and eyewitness accounts of Satnam Singh’s killing. According to the New York police, the shooter came on foot and shot Singh as he sat in the jeep, but a neighbour said the assailant had fired from a car. The neighbour confirmed that her home security camera had captured the incident.

    Very sad and shocking news. Let's hope the police start treating this seriously and stop this race hate.

  11. On 1/8/2022 at 12:22 AM, 5aaban said:

    Are Sikhs allowed to wear jewellery (rings, bracelets etc)? Many photos and art show Sikhs from the 19th and early 20th century wearing jewellery so why is it discouraged today?


    Of course maaan. The more bling the better. Gold chains, earings, nose studs. Diamond watches.

    Bling bling ting innit?

  12. Woah this thread seems to come back all the time from nowhere. Lol.

    Amazing to know it was not just me who noticed the head and shoulders formula change. 

    Yep I can also relate to many of the posts. I ended up throwing away 5 bottles myself while experimenting with their different formulas. 

    Anyway. If it helps. The one I found the most similar to their original formula that they changed was "Men" head n shoulders one. It's still not like the old one. But it's the best replacement. And about 90% same. 

    Here's my thoughts on why they changed it. 

    It was simply to make more money. The old shampoo formulae gave you a couple of days of dandruff relief even a few days. The new formula gives the same dandruff relief. But you need to use it everyday or at least every other day. So their aim is to basically make you shampoo your hair more frequently and use more. Basically meaning you have to buy more and their profits go up. 

    Head n shoulders men is pretty much the same as their old formula. But you have to wash more frequently throughout the week to ensure dandruff free scalp. 



  13. On 6/14/2022 at 3:29 PM, DASINGH100 said:

    I finished uni a year ago and although I’ve got a great job I’m feeling lost. I listen to path daily and do as much path as I can but I can’t help feel lost. I’m fairly young 22, and sometimes all I think about is marriage and finding a partner and how I may not be able to find the Sikh girl for myself. 

    I’m a mona but I’m not your typical Punjabi guy. I don’t drink I feel it’s wrong and don’t engage in drugs etc smoking. I workout and look after myself and go gym regularly. But feel somethings missing in my life which is making me feel lost.

    I know this post seems a bit all over the place but it’s sort of how I currently feel.

    You mention you don't do drugs, or alcohol. But there are many addictions and vices that can make us feel "lost". Think hard if you do anything harmful?

    Also how can you be lost if you have a good job and have direction in life? What could be missing?

  14. 9 minutes ago, ChardikalaUK said:

    Come on man, these are 13 year old girls.  You have no clue at all at that age about the world and its dangers. You are a child at this age. This is paedophilia plain and simple. You can't blame the victims in cases like this. 

    And the 50 year old perverts knew what they were doing was wrong. 

    Of course I am not taking away any blame from the culprits. They are 100% to blame. But the girls and also their parents have to take some responsibility. They should have not gone anywhere near these scummy people in the first place. 

    They loved the excitement and attention they were getting. They should have been wiser and kept clear of them. As I said "some". 

    Not all were like that.

  15. In a way "some" of the girls have to take responsibility. Some of them openly eloped with these Muslims on their own will. 

    The police said it themselves. It was fashionable for some of these goria to have an older Asian bf. 

    Many thought they were in love... Apnia can take a note of this next time they also find themselves in love and then cry when they get used and abused. 

    Anyways glad these scumbags all got lengthy sentences. Finnaly the police got the culprits. I bet these fools thought they could get away with it. 

    P.s I said "some" not all of them were like that. 



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