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Everything posted by Akalifauj

  1. This is coming from a person who can't even read Gurmukhi. You don't even know what the Guru is saying. So how can you make any evaluation of genie statements being true or false? Now we know who's the real idi*t around here. And after insulting people here you want them to produce translations for you! Get a life, you are a troll who has no honest intentions to learn about Sikhi.
  2. This poster has created multiple accounts. Karl Marx developed such ideas because he was heavily influenced by the Church. Karl Marx spent most of his time in London, which was under the power of the Church. The Church set laws by the standard of its religious doctrines. Karl Marx saw how the Church controlled peoples lives and made a blanketed statement about religion. He was a man with limited knowledge on religion. You fail to mention how Karl Marx mentions religion is also good for those who are struggling to get out of poverty. Karl Marx for the most part was not a troll like you. If Karl Marx was here today, he would make the assessment how secular governments like France have turned into extremist to control what people wear. Bikinis are forced on women by France like the Church forced laws on those who didn't follow the Church. In conclusion, I am saying you are stup*d for thinking your mickey mouse arrogance can prove anything. Keep going to school, you have not accomplished anything yet.
  3. Devta Krishna came out of Vaheguru's creation and Gurbani criticizes this devta. And yes Krishna is inferior in the eyes of Gurbani. Krishna could not realize Atma is Akal Purakh. Krishna told others to call himself God when he was not. No one is insulting Vaheguru's creation by saying millions of lowly ants were created like Krishna. Instead, we by following Gurbani are uplifting creation because we are speaking the truth. By speaking this truth, less people will devote themselves to the false God, Krishna, and follow the true God, Shabad Guru. Also, before you post Gurbani here, I want your own understanding word for word translations for the Gurbani you present. If you don't, this clearly shows, you are illiterate in Gurmukhi because you hide behind English translations, which have no to very little accuracy to what Gurbani is saying. Worst part is you didn't even do those English translations, can't even verify them yourself, and like a blind man you swear they are the gospel.
  4. Baba preet keep your nastik teachings to yourself. You have no clarity in your thought process.
  5. Why don't you join him? Do paath together. Do seva together. Discuss Shabad and maybe you will be able to understand and then experience what he is experiencing.
  6. Are you the one creating multiple id to create the illusion many different members support mother Teresa as saint?
  7. You should do paath where you can focus on the paath you are reading. Make an honest living and do seva. Sometimes too much time is wasted on what bad times we are going through and feeling bad for ourselves. Set times to read Gurbani and do seva. This way you can spend time away from your dad. Sometimes the abuser himself is going through mental issues and he finds anger as a release. It's no excuse to continue the behaviour. But understanding why he continues like this, may help you let go of the past and move forward into being healthy. Many times angry people want you to fight back. This actually fuels their anger more and provides them with more satisfaction. It's better not to argue back and ignore him. The best thing you can to is read Gurbani and this will make you mentally stronger.
  8. The point of equality of male and female was to provide equal opportunity, to be known as equals and the main objective was to raise consciousness of society in general. Yet what was achieved so far: The divorce rate in the Sikh community is at an all time high. Spouse abuse by women has increased, reported numbers are lower because majority of men are ashamed to admit their wife is physically abusing them, so they go unreported. Alcohol consumption among women has sky rocketed. Taking drugs has not become mainstream among women like alcohol, but give it a few years and they will be doing it openly. Promiscuous behaviour among women has sky rocketed with the help of birth control devices. Multiple sexual partners over a course of a year is the norm. More women are cheating on their spouses because they have more opportunities by interacting with more men on a daily basis. Child neglect is on the rise among mothers. There is a difference between Guru given equality among men and women and then their is utter nonsense which is prevailing today. The Guru gave equality to women to practice Sikhi and become one with Akal Purakh. It was meant to progress women in the direction of living spiritual lives of their own and not being subjected to be seen as second class citizens who have to be born again as males to be liberated or to enter a place of worship or read a holy scripture. Look at the example of the Guru given sword. The Guru has given the Khalsa Panth the sword, however with the sword comes responsibility. You don't just take it out because some one looked at you the wrong way and now it's time to cut the person. This is short sighted thinking and lunatic behaviour. The Guru guided women, who are a very small minority, take the power of equality and apply it to achieve spiritual goals. They don't just look at seva outside of the house to do, but look in the house and see the seva of children, parents, and the bigger family. The Sikh women have increased their earnings by taking higher paying jobs. This is a plus as they won't been seen inferior to their husband. The family chores can be shared; dishes, clothers, elder care, vehicle repairs, house maintenance, lawn care, etc You may have removed the shackles of your husband and father in law, but you have enslaved yourself to worldly desires. Did you really achieve the goal that the Gurus set out for you by giving you equality? I listed numerous problems at the beginning, do any of them apply to you? Have you increased or even thought about naam simran? How free do you feel due to your alcohol problem? Have the countless clothes, shoes, purses, hair styles purchases freed your mind and brought you closer to the Guru. What about dressing promiscuously out in public and in front of your father, has that freed you from slavery? Why do you mock those women who have taken on the Guru dress code in public? Is showing your cleavage at the gurdwara to the Guru liberating? Are you more compassionate and content according to Gurbani teachings. Have you achieved a higher level of thinking?
  9. You said God doesn't exist because of the suffering caused in the world. I presented you with an argument of how you as a human cause suffering, yet I don't say you don't exist. Showing your illogical thought process. You started your post by saying you would stop suffering. Trying to declare you are moral and ethical more than this so called God invented by some genius people. Yet above you are saying two wrongs don't make a right. By which you admit, you cause suffering in this world. You are no better than the God you are trying to declare as nonexistent. Does that also make you a God that you are trying to say, doesn't exist? You maturity in this discussion is shown when you use terms like blah blah. Since your parents taught you, does this directly reflect on your parents? Didn't your parents teach you any manners. We have already established you are a cruel human who destroys other creatures homes and kills their young for your luxury. God created this universe and set his play. Your first mistake is to think God needs to change his play as it plays out. God is no Hollywood director who needs to refine his play. From the beginning his play is created perfect and nothing needs to be changed. Suffering is all relative. From a Gurmat perspective we see Hukam and Guru grace in the world and evaluate worldly events. God surely has created the relative suffering as he has created relative happiness in this world. Gurbani tells us God is the destroyer and God causes people to do good and bad. God has created his various creatures and some he blesses with freedom from this world and some he subjects to the worldly suffering. It's his play and not YOYO29 play. Neither is it Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens, who bark like dogs against a God they created in limitation of their own limited minds. Also Sikhs describe God from Gurbani. If you have a problem with how Gurbani describes God, then present the specific Shabad and what is the issue.
  10. Do ardas and place them in a fire. The intention here for shabad Guru in written form is to go into nirgun saroop. The intention is to preserve respect for Shabad Guru.
  11. I agree. However I was pointing to how this character has been provided with answers to his foolish views. Don't waste your time writing them again. Just look up the old thread and copy and paste the link here or the answers.
  12. Don't waste your time Jonny. It's the same guy who disrespected Sri Dasam Granth Sahib and was banned for it. he was uklondonsikh or whatever. He has already started disrespecting Dasam Bani. He's a troll.
  13. He's back with the same agenda. He had numerous memberships all at once. Don't bother with this troll
  14. I forgot to mention. Since the hypocritical police wants to hold the common Sikhs in contempt for good actions. He should resign from the position of Root Admin of the website Sikhawareness.com because he is a total hypocrite for running a Sikh forum when he is a patit and supports the bowing down to fake dehdhari Gurus like ashutosh. How can a person ever take this guy seriously ever? From now on to put a point across. I recommend we all start posting the one message when the hypocritical police post any type of post here. You are a patit, you support bowing down to dehdhari Gurus, therefore you have no right to tell others to practice Gurmat.
  15. The hypocritical police comes out when they want to beat down common Sikhs, who include those with haircuts. What did these Sikhs do wrong? They stood up for the respect of the Guru. The facts surrounding this incident are not important because the hypocritical police are flat out against standing up for Guru Sahib. The news outlets will spread propaganda. Nothing new and this should not stop good behaviour. Not too long ago the hypocritical police were pulling at every torn string to save their baba. Their Baba, Baba Balbir Singh (so called Hazuri Ragi) bowed at the feet of Ashutosh, a fake dehdhari Guru. The whole event was recorded on video and is on youtube for everyone. Yet the hypocritical police went on the defense and stood for the actions of Baba Balbir Singh. Even the corrupt Jathedars summoned Baba Balbir Singh for his wrong actions, but for the hypocritical police, he was in the right. The hypocritical police in Baba Balbir Singh case were also jumping to say let's wait and see for the full video before rushing to judgement. In this case, Sikhs protesting, the hypocritical police jumped on the Sikhs without any video, or an accurate news article of the events. Starting to sound like the Punjab police, right!! Additionally, the hypocritical police made it all about themselves. Stating how baba Balbir Singh helped him in his depressed times and I don't care what he does on his spare time. Although this is completely irrational because a Sikh of the Guru is always a Sikh of the Guru whether hes on his free time or not. But was a similar excused by this hypocritical police made for the Sikhs protesting? No, instead the hypocritical police, much like the Punjab police started swearing at the Sikhs. Would a person be more mad a Sikhs who try to follow Sikhi to their best and stand up for their Guru. Or a person who deceived the whole Khalsa Panth by sitting on stage singing Gurbani, taking the Guru ki sangat money, along with funds given from the Gurdwaras and at the end bows down to a fake dehdhari Guru, named Ashutosh? Who is the real thief here. http://www.sikhawareness.com/topic/16980-shocking-video-of-bhai-balbir-singh/?page=1 Before looking at others actions and calling them hypocritical. Look closer to home and see, if the partner you have married is amritdhari and why do I have kids with a woman who is not amritdhari and broke you away from the Guru by making you into a patit.
  16. The new trend of a Sikh male with bread and turban marrying the Bollywood wannabe girl is showing its results. I'm well aware he came a keshdhari after but look at her. She didn't change. So many of these girls cheat on their keshdhari husband. These woman think breads are gross and keshdhari males look like Baba's. The singhs who are not married need to learn from this. If a woman is engrossed into looking like a Bollywood model than she is shallow and she wants someone who also looks like a plastic ken doll. They can talk the good talk but their actions are nothing to what they say. Many of these keshdhari guys don't even figure out their shallow wife is cheating. It's a reality today. Worst part about this case is the children have no parents now. This selfish woman deserves a life sentence for destroying 3 lives.
  17. You started off by asking solutions from a Gurmat perspective and then you stated worldly reasons to engage in kaam. Are you trying to entertain kaam or are you trying to focus on mind purity Have you not read Sohila Sahib da path. The body is full of kaam, but the Gurus destroys it when you go to him. Some people in life look for this big spectacle solution that involves countless hours, sleepless nights, and trial and error runs. Only waiting for that big pat on the back from people around the world. They want that fame to be noticed and recognized for their mirage of hard work. Really at the end this person is trying to buy water from a fosset. These people sit close to Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, but they look else where for solutions. A Sikh that loves the Guru, ask the Guru. The solution to this problem and other problems of anger, ego, greed, worldly attachments is to concentrate on Gurbani. Any free time in the day must be devoted to focusing on Gurbani. Don't engage in gossip, celebrity gossip, tv shows, movies, bars outings, restaurants outings, bbq, and conversing about the opposite sex. Instead fill the day with Gurbani, honest living, roll up those white collared shirts and start washing dishes at the Gurdwara and keep reading Gurbani. Learn how to interpret Gurbani, pronounce Gurbani better, learn kirtan, take up marital arts, learn how to shoot. But don't forget, always be focused on Gurbani. If your mind slips and is caught by kaam. Open up Gurbani and start reading. Feeling tired and need to sleep. Well go to sleep and do it again tomorrow. And don't forget keep focusing on Gurbani. Did I mention to keep focus on Gurbani. If I didn't, well keep focusing on Gurbani by contemplating on shabads. Dive deep into your mind with Vaheguru and start finding out what Mool Mantar means through searching Jap Ji Sahib and rest of Gurbani. Still have free time on your hands. Then read Chandi Di Vaar and start learning what each pauri is saying. Again dive deep into Gurbani and find the deepest meaning possible in that moment. Hold on to the meaning and do it again tomorrow to find a deeper meaning and the next day and the next day. Sooner or later that breath coming out of your mouth will only want Gurbani. Remember the time when countless hours were spent studying for that test either for a class or a job or to obtain a promotion. Well now its time to get a promotion in Sikhi. You want an 100%, well put in the hours and actually live what Gurbani is teaching. I know the above sounds extreme. Yet a smoker also calls it extreme for those who quit. How did he do it....he smoked two packs a day. The alcoholic doesn't want to let go of his addiction and he calls others extreme for not drinking. Kaam is a drug. It last for a split second and once a person has it. They want more of it. The previous high isn't good enough so some change it up and look for a bigger high. Some want it once in awhile. They are like the wine drinkers who get drunk once in awhile. Others really cant kick the habit. Others try replacing it with another worldly attachment. The lucky ones replace it with the only drug that will eliminate the desire once for all. The drugs name is Gurbani. It takes a lot of effort to get hooked. But once hooked and you keep pouring the drug into you. The high gets better and better. It becomes an addiction. The best addiction and high.
  18. The link you provided shows a women who has lost her way. She may have kept her hair uncut, but her activities and behavior is not of a Sikh of the Guru. She was on the right path by not cutting her hair wherever it be, but she fell for popularity and fame. She dresses inappropriately, expresses herself in a unconventional sexual manner, endorses sexual acts, and shaves other hair on her body. What is the issue with women having facial hair? It's not "normal" for women to have facial hair. Society does not approve of it. Family disapprove. Maybe the woman's husband disapproves. You are not turned on sexually by the hair and it does not excite your animal instincts? All these reasons for getting rid of facial hair are superficial and most importantly not looking at what the Guru says. Say a woman was alone on an island and after puberty she started to slowly get facial hair. Who would disapprove? Who will be disgusted? She would only look at the guidance of the Guru. The support of a Sikhs mental strength is the Guru (Gurbani). Those who follow the direction of worldly knowledge will die only to be reborn again. Majority of Sikh women have fallen victim to society evil norms of getting rid of hair. In one way or another they broke down and were not strong enough to stand up for what is right in this regards. What creates this rift in Sikh women and Sikhs in general. It's abandoning concentration on Gurbani. They may have the turban, bana, kakkars, bow their head to the Guru, but from the inside they have broken away. They have tied their life line to worldly attachments. Workplace norms do not approve of women with facial hair, therefore I will be shunned and no one will want to talk to me. I won't get a promotion because I will be seen as weird. People will make fun of me. What will my husband's parents think. I won't be able to find a marriage partner. All worldly reasons cannot be stated here. Yet no one can tell a Sikh women their is a Gurmat reason for her to remove her hair. Western society at first thought wearing a turban and some still do, think is weird, not apart of society, etc. Yet did the Sikh males remove their turban because society norms are not being met. To be frank, the Sikhs grounded in their Gurus teachings gave the western world the big fat finger and said we are Sikhs and we wear turbans. You cannot change us, instead we will fight to be who our Gurus told us to be. The old timers had guts, integrity, and faith in Akal Purakh. Where is this kind of strength in todays Sikhs. Today the Sikhs are shaming other Sikhs for following the Gurus path. Why are Sikhs heading in the opposite direction of the Guru. The elders say, if you have nothing good to say, stay quiet and maybe you will learn something.
  19. You have provided nothing new in this post. You keep repeating the same old anti gurmat arguments. If you were well aware of the life in plants, then you would not put forward the argument; animals are living beings, so don't eat them. You are clearly a vegetarian fanatic. If you want to talk about Gurbani, then present the shabads. Many fanatical liberals present the argument how Gurbani does not say to keep hair uncut. They have one tuk of Bhagat Kabir ji, which they twist. Yet when presented with another pankti of Bhagat Kabir ji. These fanatical liberals start covering their women ears, hoping and wishing they don't uses the same illogical interpretation for whether to wear clothing. The vegetarians are using the same nonsense to say meat is prohibited in Gurbani. Vaheguru has given us many things to eat. Animals will be a last resort and their is a higher purpose to serve, like protect Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, when surrounded by the enemy. Such strict rules are given around meat because it carries higher karmic weight.
  20. You don't see the life in plants as your Guru has told you in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji. You have not developed the eyes to see the life in plants. Do no use Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji as your personal weapon. Gurmukhs from DamDami Taksal have clearly stated Jhatka was practiced and accepted in Sikhi. This is coming from a jatha that says to be vegetarian. However this practice like many have been abused. The vegetarians abuse plants and the meat lovers abuse the jhatka system. Both do it for their tongue. Jhatka does not go against Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji. You are making things up for your belief system. Jhatka as a last resort for source of food is accepted. The yogis sit for decades without food or water in meditation. Therefore according to you Sikhi and Sikhs of the past had human instincts of eating food and were weak because they could not survive on only air like the yogis. Your argument is ridiculous. Is not a plant an innocent being of Akal Purakh? What crime did the plant commit, that it deserves to be cut up, boiled and eaten? Who made you judge, jury, and executioner of plant life. Stop this fanatical rampage. The other side is also making outrageous claims of giving mukhti to animals, as somehow he's got this Shakti; just for the taste of the tongue. The Singhs in Hazur Sahib are chopping up goats for their tongue. The nihangs are running around claiming to be warriors but their leaders are bought by Badal, including Baba Nihal Singh.
  21. Sri Dasam Granth Sahib ji tells us the Guru hunted. Fanatics on both sides tried to add their own twist on why the Guru hunted. Vegetarians fanatics say the Guru hunted because the animals were terrorizing the locals and he did not hunt for the meat. The meat eaters fanatics say Guru Sahib hunted for the meat.
  22. Posters Sikhofhope and Preet have decided not to discuss the elephant in the room. Vegetable, fruit, and nut farmers have human slaved labor. This human slaved labor suffers many illness at the farm and are never treated for it. Instead their future generation are affected. They suffer in these farms. Why doesn't the vegan posters want to discuss this elephant in the room. Maybe because they can't claim to be on the right track and live better than vegetarians. They have been shaking their index fingers at the vegetarians and calling them bad throughout this thread. But when the shoes on the other foot, they refuse to address the problem. They want to put on the blindfold. I brought up the Gurus had milk in their diet because poster stated a cow's milk is strictly for the calf. Vegans, the Gurus promoted honesty. Please practice it here. yes poster preet, praying makes every problem disappear. But advocating for stopping human suffering is a bad thing. You deserve a noble prize. I pray for the cow's when I consume maybe one glass a week. Therefore, the problem is gone. So Mod's shut down the thread. Preet has found a lope hole for everyone's blindfolds on. The meat-eater can pray, the vegan and the vegetarian can pray and consume as they like. Hey Preet, don't let the leather chair in your car and house and work hit you on the way out.
  23. The Gurus had milk in their diet. The vegans are just as blind as those who eat meat. You vegan's steal from the animals of the world. You destroy their homes to farm your vegetables, fruits, and nuts. You use slaved labor to plant, grow and pick your vegetables, fruits, and nuts. This slaved labor are exposed to poisonous chemicals that cause disease killing illness. Affecting their future generation. The slow death of cancer being one. the western dairy industry generally does mistreat the cows. Also stop eating vegetables, fruits, and nuts because mistreatment is taking place at these farms of humans. If you want to wake the sangat up, then start at home and educate yourself on what you consider is "clean" to eat.
  24. Akalifauj

    need advice

    Those are some tough times to go through and it seems they are not exactly over. It seems you are stuck in the past. Majority of your energy is being spent on feeling bad for what you have gone through in the past. I think you need to focus on the here and now. We can't change the past. Pain does not go away by ending your life. Trying to make sense of the past to learn from your mistakes is productive but you need the right tools to analyze it. This whole system of paying for past deeds in a past life is way tooooo complicated to understand. I wouldn't take a random person's opinion of it as the gospel. It's a math equation only understood by the Gurmukhs. Start today with a clean life. From this day forward you are going to work toward the Gurus path. Best way to start is by doing ardas for what you want in life. Then pick your favorite paath and read it with utmost attention. Your mind is probably racing, thinking about what you could have had by now if all this misery didn't come in your life. Let go and start reading Gurbani for direction in life. Some make the mistake of reading Gurbani so they will receive something materialistic when truly they need santokh. They think the materialistic object or affection will give them comfort, but it's the thing that is causing the pain. Self reflection is wonderfu when we have the right tools to do it. Many in their imbalanced emotional state try to look for answers. This leads to self destructive ways. Right now you are running after time, trying to catch up. The way to beat the clock is by focusing on the now through the Gurus instructions.
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