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Everything posted by YOYO29

  1. Ofcourse they are;in their belifs. But they call themselves as Muslims and world accepts that.For example in India Muslims tried to have Ahmadis to be considered outside of Islam but Indian govt refused that.
  2. nobody got time to study deeply religion and also it different sects.That is why if person claims to be a muslim whether he is Ahmadi he would be considered as Muslim by outside world.Same goes if a nirankari or dera sacha sauda follower claims to be a sikh despite having different views from mainstream Sikhs he would be treated as such by outsiders.
  3. Who is a sikh and who is not that is the matter between sikhs themselves. Muslims who kill each other follow same logic that such and such sect is not Muslim hence it is okay to kill. This was my point.
  4. How many protest when a dera sacha sauda follower is killed by sikhs in Punjab ? as we have seen in recent times in ludhiana.
  5. This integration stuff is really sticky.Don't generalize entire population.Apart from Wahhabis no muslim pose threat to western culture. Wait till same right winger start talking about Sikh integrating into western society. How long do you think they are gonna wait till they start having problem with your Turbans,Kirpans ? all in the name of integration.
  6. Countries that are part of NATO which destabilized Libya ,Iraq should pay the price. And countries where most refugees are heading were/are part of Nato.
  7. Yup I agree two wrongs do not make a right.I was saying in context of Turkey.Where erdogan has gained popularity though he is way better than Modi. In other Muslim countries like Indonesia there is still secularism.Problem is in middles east
  8. Here is list by UNHCR of top countries hosting refugess : http://www.unhcr.org/news/latest/2017/2/58b001ab4/poorer-countries-host-forcibly-displaced-report-shows.html Top refugee hosting countries 1. Jordan (2.7 million+) 2. Turkey (2.5 million+) 3. Pakistan (1.6 million) 4. Lebanon (1.5 million+) 5. Iran (979,400) All top five countries are Muslim majorities. Most people would like to settle in Europe as Europe and North America offers better facilities. So naturally people are attractive to it. Moreover West has its hand in destabilization of Middle East.It was west which destabilized Middle East by invading Iraq in 2003.And since then middle east is a mess.So the least west can do is take some refugees. And you are not really in position to tell Muslims where they should stay and live.You people yourself are immigrants in west so you can't really be telling other immigrants to stay away from west. You know when your brethren were thrown out from East African countries.They did not migrate to India or Punjab.Majority of them also came to Europe.
  9. As i said ealier there is no such thing as demographic jihad.It is in your head and your like minded right wingers.Burmese govt does not want Rohangya because they are not part of burmese society.That's the sole reason.Even to this day Burma govt maintaned that Rohangya are not citizens of Burma they came from British India.You see that's the reason they are being massacred and driven out of Burma.Like East African countries did with Sikhs and Indian in 1980s drving them out of their countries. Which demographic Jihad were those Indian Sikhs doing in African countries ? If Malaysian govt start doing the same with Indian/Sikh migrants in Malaysia driving them out of Malaysia following the Burma govt's logic that Indian and Sikhs are not part of malaysian society they came from India.You would be the first one to say "see how these sullay are evil they can't tolerate non muslims."
  10. Same thing people said about Christianty. But u see Christianty has been reformed.There is no way that 1.8 billion people would discard Islam as first thing in the morning just because right wing sikhs, hindus or white don't like it. Reformation is the practical solution.There is no other way.People have emotional attachment with religion. Even a person like myself who is completly aware that Quran is nothing but creation of Muhammad's own minbd find it hard to hard dicard my identity as a Muslim.You can imagine the level of attachment practicing Muslims would have. Al qaeda,Taliban,Boko Haram all of them are followers of strict wahhabi ideology. This wahhabi sect does not even amount to 1% of global Muslim population yet they somehow have managed to get all media attention and portray themselves as true representative of global Muslim community.This needs to change.
  11. Exactly my point.Before 9/11 there was no Islamic terrorism. Even to this day a large majority of Muslims refuse to believe that 9/11 was done by Muslims because they are good people at heart and they believe that it is not right to kill innocent human beings. Bin laden used Palestinian card to attract Muslim youth towards his cause. When you talk about Muslim terrorism also keep in geopolitics in mind. As like Sikh terrorists who blew Air India flight in 1980s. This action can only be examined taking into consideration the situation in Punjab.
  12. Sorry i did not get the right word.True,segregation of women is part of islam. Insecurities of one guy has made the life of women miserable. In early Islam there was no segregation; men and women prayed in same mosques.But later on Muhammad changed it. But that still proves my point that there is no rape jihad. And this segregation can be called cultural trait as it has been added to middle eastern culture through Islam and hence now it's their culture.
  13. There was already a sikh plan to eradicate muslims from east Punjab if partition plan was not according to their satisfaction.They would have done the same regardless of what happend in West Punjab.
  14. You are missing my point.Muslim don't bat an eye if muslims are killing each other but all hell break loose when non muslims start doing the same thing.Same if a sikh is killed by sikh.Hardly any sikh would notice but if he is killed by Muslim.You can imagine the reaction of sikhs. About biharis.Like i said they are in Muslim country so their faith is not in danger hence no attention is paid by Pakistanis.
  15. Not really.I have my fair share of dealing with Muslim haters.Especially with Hindus who don't miss chance to take swing at us.I never said Islam is peaceful religion.It has fair share of violent,misogynist,homo phobic verses. I differentiate between Muslims and Islam. Vast majority of Muslim would not approve of the actions of Taliban,ISIL but when they are presented with examples from Muhammad's life.This majority can't argue with them. Reformation is the only way but that is not gonna happen when people keep defending Muslim genocide and thus driving more and more Muslim youth towards extremist organisation.
  16. In india you have Modi.In Ameica you have Trump so in that scenrio you can't really blame if some muslim countries start doing the same.
  17. This is cultural problem.Most people from middle eastern countries lived their entire lives in segregation from women so when they migrate to west they have not idea how to deal with women.When someone see a women smile at him or even said hello he would assume that she is trying have sex with him.
  18. They have been living in that land for last hundred years or so ,the only problem burmese govt has is that rohngya are not part of burmses society so they are kicking them out.It would make no difference even if they were hindus or sikhs.they would have met same fate.Like East African countries like Kenya did with Sikh/Indian people in 1970s by kicking them out from their countries.But i think you are blind from your hatred of muslims which has been indoctrinated into you right from childhood.And this hatred is clouding your judgement.
  19. How can you be so sure that he was following muhammad's teaching he might have been hurt by burmese atrocities on his people and tried to take things in his own hand.Can you really say that Sikhs raping Muslim women in East Punjab were following the orders of Guru's ? Or that Sikh mob which attacked a Muslim girl hostel in Amritsar and made these girls walk naked in the streets of Amritsar were doing so because of guru's hukm. Absolutely not.They just wanted revenge.
  20. What about thoses sikh who migrated to west punjab from eastern district to setlle in new colonies like lyalpur ? thus decreasing their numbers in eastern district.Most Kashmiris settled in Jalandhar and Amritsar.And both of these districts did not become part of Pakistan.
  21. Demographic Jihad ??? Complete nonsense n propaganda by anti Muslim , right wing websites. First they are Muslims and their religion is not in danger in Bangladesh.There has been some talk of rehabilitating them to Pakistan but I have heard peole saying that you can't control one MQM which is party of Urdu speakers in Karachi;how u gonna control them bihraris if they are allowed in Pakistan.Personally i don't agree with this.Rohangya case is different their religion is in danger as u know Pakistanis go crazy when Islam is in danger card is played.You don't live in Pakistan so u don't know how much sympathy exist for rohangya.Govt would be under severe pressure if they did not allow them to enter in Pakistan.
  22. Your only problem with Rohangya is that they are Muslims.I bet if today Rohangya people convert to Sikhisim or Hinduism you would be the first one to support them and condemn burmese govt.I can't belive how you people are justifying the genocide of rohangya and at the same time many of you people have the audacity to shout sarbat da bhalla at the top of your head.So much for sarbat da bhalla huh
  23. So a buddhist girl is allegedly raped by some rohnagya muslim so their genocide is justified ?? right ? that's what you are implying.If a person does something stupid whole community should be held responsible. I'm afraid by your logic congress was right in massacring sikhs for the killing of Indira by her sikh bodyguards. And in case you have not realized rohangya's only fault was that they aligned with British when japanese attacked Burma in WW2 and rohangya fought against Burmese nationalists,and japnese. Since then Rohangya have been on the radar of Burmese leadership.
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