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Everything posted by ShasterSingh

  1. ShasterSingh


    pretty sure your supposed to wear kakkars 24/7/365.
  2. Gatka as practiced today still has some of the fundamental movements of the type of shastar vidiya that was done back in the day. I do agree with you though that it is mostly taught as more of a game, but there are still legitimate practitioners. It doesn't really matter too much know as we should all be striving to acquire the knowledge of using firearms (i.e. getting your license and hitting the ranges, airsoft simulation, etc, etc.) Guru Maharaaj kirpa kare hopefully we as a Panth can return to the brave warriors we once were.
  3. VJKK VJKF I blast bir ras kirtan in my face with my phones bright <banned word filter activated> light right when i wake up. Usually works lol You could try and see how it works, also naps help a lot. Literally a 20 minute nap helps me freshen up. Learn how to nap power nap. Other than that, do your amrit vela based on what you can handle. As your avastha increases amrit vela will become easier. VJKK VJKF
  4. ShasterSingh

    Kirpan Level

    VJKK VJKF Find what fits best for you. Just make sure it is secure to your body (wont fall out , wont fling around, etc.) and you can draw it easily. I find its best diectly on the wastline and a towards the inside of my hip. I usually wear a regular gatra with the kirpaan tucked into my pants with the handle sticking out so i can draw it while the case stays secure. VJKK VJKF
  5. VJKK VJKF In my opinion, dastaar. It all depends on the parents and child like stated before, but dastaar is optimal. VJKK VJKF
  6. Veer ji, you make a very good point. I was too stupid to realise that it could fall, but to fix this problem can i wear a 'substitute' training kirpaan while I am training with my actual kirpaan that I wear normally?
  7. VJKK VJKF Sat Sangat Ji, I had a question regarding using Shastar for training. I train with Shastar regurlarly, and on one occasion one of my friends came over while I was training. I happened to be training with my Sri Sahib/Kirpan that day and when my friend saw me he said that I shouldn't be taking my Kirpaan out of it's case like that because apparently it wants khoon(blood) when you take it out and taking it out for any other reason than bhog is beadbi. I tried telling him that I was only using it to train and that I never start without an Ardas and asking Guru ji for permission but he said I should use a different one other than my kakaar. The probelm is, I need to use my specific Kirpaan because it is the one that is always with me, so if I had to ever take it out for any combat situation (Which I hope never happens) I want to be fully functional and efficeient with my specific Kirpaan. So my question is: Is it beadbi to take out your kirpan for training, and also, does it really want blood when you take it out. VJKK VJKF
  8. VJKK VJKF Actually veer ji, in a lot of martial arts, explosiveness is key and pushups are a very great functional movement. And explosive pushups like clapping pushups can actually help you develop a faster and stronger punch. Even the singhs of of the from the 6th's Guru's time did traditional dand baitaks for their strength. In fact, I have seen in my own training, pushups have really increased my athletisim and functionality in combat. Bhul Chuk Maaf Karne Ji VJKK JKF
  9. Just keep going man. Everytime you fall, get back up, fall, get back up, fall get back up. keep going. Thats the warrior mindset. You gotta keep going. Always try to improve. Just keep fighting those 5 powerful warriors. They will knock you down. Thousands upon millions of times. Thats what they do to me. You may never win, but at the end of the day, you have to thank God for giving you enough strength to pick up your sword and continue fighting. Even if you never win the game, thank God for keeping you on the path. VJKK VJKF
  10. VJKK VJKF Yep, this is one of the main purposes of the Akali Nihang singhs. There were vanguards that protected gurudwaras. Start training with weapons Singho ! Learn Shastar Vidya and how to use weapons like guns. Wake up warriors ! GURBAR AKAAL
  11. VJKK VJKF Very nice. That was really good. He had quick thinking and got him in the lock Nice. VJKK VJKF
  12. VJKK VJKF Your goal as a sikh should not be to get a six pack, but to have good core strength and cutting off escess body fat for agility in shastar vidya. Infact, that's the only reason i workout, not to look good, but simply to be more functional in combat. I train in shastar vidyia and the only real benfit of a six pack would be to help reduce impact of strikes to the stomach. But mainly, you should not just focus on your abs, but your whole core. So yea, its good that you have a six paxk, but as a sikh this shouldn't really concern you. It should just be an added benefit of trying to make your core strength stronger so you perform better in battle. VJKK VJKF
  13. VJKK VJKF Three words. Gurbani. Gurbani. Gurbani. Let it strengthen your faith. Trust me, stay the path and one day you will experience God and the will have all your doubts removed. VJKK VJKF
  14. VJKK VJKF I alwas take 5 min showers and that is enough for me to scrub. Do you take a shower or bath? If bath, switch to shower. VJKK VJKF
  15. VJKK VJKF HAHA! He's taking steriods to get himself bigger?!?!? And he calls himself an amritshari sikh? The old Nihang Warriors never would do this. They were all natural. Guru SAhib was all natural. Tell him that. Ask him you want to get strong from a drug? Or you wanna do it like guru sahib, the warrior way, all natural? VJKK VJKF
  16. Woaah Woah, dude, I think your overreacting a bit. That is a liitle much. And also, i've told people this before, it doesn't matter what you carry, it's your knowledge of self defence. Instead, i reecomend bhan ji ta take up some sort of street defence martial arts, although the pepper spray idea is good. Other than that, confront the gyani, tell him what he is doing and tell im to stop. If not, report im to the Pardhan of the gurudwara. VJKK VJKF
  17. VJKK VJKF Eat it up. NOM NOM NOM. True wariors eat rascist stuff like that for Lunch, that's how strong their mentality is. I'm just joking, what I mean to say is igonre it but step in when you think it's getting out of hand and have a word with your boss. Do a lot of Naam Simran, and Gurbani to the point your mentality is so strong it doesn't affect you VJKK VJKF
  18. VJKK VJKF First of all, you have to assess the situation immediatly. Figure out how dangerous the situation is, In this case it was just simple teasing which you should have ignored. If it's his first time, tell him to stop, if he continues, give him one more warning, after that go to a teacher. If he continues, tell your parents and try to work things out with his parents to get him to stop. If anyone, comes at you violently, attack. This is because if someone attacks you you don't have time to try diplomacy. Who knows, he might have weapons and friends. Take him out, and get out of there. Second of all, Always try everything before taking up the sword. EVERYTHING you can think of. In this case you jumped the gun too early but you have a good spirit just learn to control it. To answer your main question, you should never fight voluntarily or initate a fight. And besides, so what if they tease you a bit. Sometimes true courage is choosing not to fight. VJKK VJKF P.S. I train in martial arts, street awareness, slef defence so I know what might be danger or not. For example, if I was in this situation i would have let him go the first time because it is in school and in a safe environment, but I would immediately infrom a higher authority. However, if this was on the streets, and a random guy tried grabbing my dastar I would not think twice about dispatching him and I'm out of there. So it was fairly just you could say but next time ignore it first.
  19. VJKK VJKF DUMALLA FTW! Cant tell you how many times mine saved me in gym. VJKK VJKF
  20. VJKK VJKF Well, in sikhi, you shouldn't fast. There is no need to fast. Baba Ji doesn't care if you fast or not, he cares how much you love him or not. My reccomendation is to you is to just keep praying with love, do good deeds, selfless service and whater amount of Gurbani you can read. VJKK VJKf
  21. Well, I try to keep a strict schedule of everything I do but I usually have to adjust or change but here is a basic day that I try to aim for. I am still quite young so I still go to school. 6:00 am Wake up and do Nitnem.Ardas. Get ready for school 7:30 am Leave home 3:00 pm Arrive home and eat 4:00 pm Do homework ( can take anywhere from half an hour to 3 hours) 6:00 pm Rehras followed by kirtan and naam abhiyas followed by ardas 7:30 pm Shaster vidya - Practice (this usually includes a workout plus the training. Sometimes I work out at luch at school so that saves time) 9:00 pm Late night abhiyaas followed by sohila and ardas and then sleep Again, as you can see it is busy so I don't always stick perfectly to it but basic rehat is still there. VJKK VJKf
  22. Vjkk VJkf One suggesstion is to sit in satsangat and sing the praises of the lord. This is actually a good way to remove sins. Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh says that the moment you sit into the sangat your sins start to get removed. VJKK VJKF
  23. Not all kirpan wearers are amritdharis, but all amritdharis wear kirpan. What I am saying is go ahead, moghals wore kirpaana yet they weren't amritdhari. Shastars aren't exclusive to amritdharis, however kakaars are. If you are just wearing the kakaara to get used to them and are taking amrit soon, then its fine, but if not then no. So what i'm saying, wear the kirpan but if you dont plan to take amrit than dont see it has a kakaar but just a regular knife. And you should also listen to what this singh said here. Learning to use the weapons is more important than actually carrying one.
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