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Everything posted by Not2Cool2Argue

  1. It's possible. In fact I read somewhere that Jewish merchants settled in india in ancient times. Our merchant class could be their descendants.
  2. Yes vegetarianism is not feasible worldwide. Eskimos and those living in cold climate have to rely on meat. In fact due to availability Eskimos have started eating western foods and they get diseases like diabetes etc at a much earlier age like 30s and 40s if they eat the western grain based diet. Ofc it could be that they are getting the packaged junk food. I think we have to stop being like abrahamic religions about diet. They believe there is only way of doing things, we should be wise enough to realize that it's rarely the case in this vast world. I think that is why even Guru Nanak Dev ji did not take a stand on gurbani on the meat issue. However, I do think going the western way and having meat for breakfast lunch and dinner is terrible. Like most ancient peoples meat was once a while thing. When you got around to hunting or when you decided it was time to sacrifice the animal you were raising since infancy. Usually done in winter, when other food sources were scarce. Also, the more North you go, diet is more likely to contain coffee alcohol and meat. The more tropical the more fruits veggies and grains. Ayurvedically this makes sense. Also our genes play a role. There was a study that people from South India lack certain enzymes so that if they eat meat, it's more likely to store saturated fat and give heart attacks etc. However I do think eating meat does affect us spirtually. That is why most samparda are against it. Only those that are about war like Nihangs are on with it. And that's great, when the time comes to fight, it would be good to have some Sikhs who know how to prepare meat and which parts are good to eat. I don't even know how to cook an egg. And cooking meat is a lot more fraught with danger. It can easily go rancid, or make you sick if under cooked or easily cause food poisoning. There was a granth I think prem sumarg( not sure tho) that listed the types of fish ok for khalsa to eat. Which types of meat are dangerous (dead animals etc) However when most Sikhs are told meat is ok, they start eating McDonald's and the terrible factory farmed meat. Which is very very harmful. At least the vegetarian panjabis are saved from the terrible disease of the west like colon cancer. Same thing with saying Marijuana is ok. Sikh Kids have starting using edibles and junk like that. That's why I think certain granths, philosophies and habits were restricted or kept hidden with certain jathas. So they could be properly imparted and done under supervision. When democracy or the masses get hold of something it's destroyed or wrong fully misused. So a nanny state and a sanitized version of things is important. Real seekers can find the real answers themselves.
  3. Let it hunt. Take it to a farm and let it hunt the mice and gophers. Perhaps like snakes, once they've fed they are full for a week or so. The trouble will be if it hunts on its own, why would it come back to the human? Also baaj are trained by feeding them Maas diya Botiyan. I think even after training it might need to be fed to reward ot and keep it coming back.
  4. Do you disagree with the editing? From what I've read so far, it seems beneficial. Like replacing word Hindu with Sikh. And removing references to chandi sacrifice. Also bhangu was writing panth Prakash with a biased reason. To prove to gorey that Sikhs have claims to indian throne. So he would make Sikhs seem totally hindu Just because it is an old granth doesn't mean it is accurate. It certainly wasn't contemporary
  5. I think it was totally justifiable for him to hate the Indian mutiny. We Sikhs ourselves were pretty against it as no Sikhs joined in. Also it was the Indian military against civilians. That's pretty horrific.. I think the Hindus and Muslims soldiers killed a lot of women and children of Lucknow. That would make anyone angry. Yeah his letter is pretty genocidal. But I can see why he would write that. He probably thought military trained men targeting women and families pretty despicable thing for a people to do. Also, i think we as Sikhs have been taught the lesson of balance and truth multiple times. Even if someone is bad, their body of work shouldn't be discounted. Look at aurangzeb, guruji noticed his piety, skills in battle etc in zafarnama.
  6. I think it's great. If you want to make any lasting change in this world it has to involve economics. Look at Anandpur sahib resolution. Santji and intellectuals were fighting for normal panjabis rights. But they didn't join in much, only now that the government policies would affect their income, did all of panjab decide to do farmer protests and fight for those things in anadour sahib resolution again. If Sikh people, become a major source of income for Pakistan especially in the kartarpur corridor. We have more leverage. We can demand more and threaten to boycott. Also then ppl won't want to close the corridor faster either.
  7. It's good to hear you are doing better. Your starting to do nitnem hopefully will motivate me to start again as well. Sangat should be about uplifting each other. Seeing the Gunn in others should motivate us. That's why 'dekh ke undith kita' is part of ardaas. We should focus on the good in others. It's too easy to see the faults in others and use that as an excuse. Also remember you are not your thoughts. Thoughts come and go. If they are negative, that means ur mind has been fed a diet of negative things. And when we are becoming good, that's when thoughts are the worst, because all of that dirt that had settled deep is being beaten out. The best way to deal with thoughts is to be aware of them and laugh at them. If a thought comes, I am not worthy. We automatically put our emotions into it and feel sad. First be aware, that this is just a thought. Then counter it. I am not worthy yet but guruji is doing kirpa and will make me worthy. Then immediately do a Jaap. Choose a shabaad, I suggest mool mantar but any that u like. Do that until u forget again. Another thought comes, all Sikhs are so fake. Realize it's just a thought and counter it. Just because I feel fake, my mind is projecting this. Laugh because the mind is so simplistic like a jealous child yet so devious. The above is daily, minute by minute practice. The best prevention is to feed our mind good things. Gurbani of course. But also other inspiring things. I would suggest katha and reading sikhi books in English or panjabi. Vidhia.com has many books. I suggest bhai vir singh, se kineyha by bhai Hannah singh rampurkehera or books by raghbir singh bir. Katha you can listen to on YouTube anyone from basics of sikhi to sant maskeen ji.
  8. There was also bhai Nirmal singh uk. He was the first person to start doing English katha. He started BOSS camp. He also died of cancer. He left a blog post for his youngest son to read when he grew up. He was absolutely instrumental in starting parchar in colleges and universities throughout the UK and was one of the founding members of the British Organisation of Sikh Students (BOSS). During this time he regularly travelled up and down the country to visit universities and colleges across the UK in his capacity as advisor, helper and speaker. He worked tirelessly with many organisations and jathas to inspire and encourage old and new to embrace their faith, history and great heritage. He was an avid collector of Shaster, a huge fan of the outdoors and a talented photographer. But most of all, and what the majority of us will remember him for was his intense passion and love for Sikhi. His Pyar for the Gurus, our Shaheeds, Sikhs in the World Wars and for the Panth was unparalleled. Maharaj gave him a unique gift to ignite and inspire this flame in others too. Thousands of young Sikhs in the 80's to 00's have been touched by his talks and many have walked away and applied this to their lives. Such was the power of persuasion and dedication that Bhai Sahib Jee had. Here's some more info: https://www.sikhnet.com/news/loving-memory-bhai-nirmal-singh He was mentioned on here as well lol It brings to mind the story of Shaheed Singhs who had such prem for sikhi that they said I wish to die again and again for the panth and do it's seva. I wonder if it's one Shaheed Singh gifted with parchaar who is doing this seva every generation. Or sikhi is so great it inspires ppl to this seva every generation. No wonder they say sikhi will never die.
  9. Heh. True. Quite an accurate analysis of California. But fresno isn't that bad. Now with tesla and most silicon Valley Companies moving to Texas, bay area is becoming a dump. Expensive and full of crime and the homeless. LA and Beverley hills is just like Florida. Where rich ppl go to retire and is of no use politically. Fresno is becoming the 5th largest city in CA. And Fresno and Bakersfield are red, so might flip CA red too. Also Sikhs own a huge amount of farmland in CA too. But anyways, nowadays international narratives can be shaped through social media. Look at what Rihanna did for the farmers protest. Plus I think Sikhs should concentrate on being few and religious than liberal and influential. If we have lost who we are as Sikhs, what does it matter if we have power. Sikh girls hating on kesh and dastaar, and being seen as easy is the least of it if we become that mayavi. Also singho, don't put down californiasardar1 too much. He has the misfortune of being the Cassandra for the diaspora. He first noticed the lack of rishtay for keshadharis and now it's a topic every other day. Let's see what other gems his negative outlook discovers.
  10. Back in the olden days when ppl kept their word and ppl believed in a person word. And there were ppl of anakh. There was dharm di bhain. Or dharm da bhra. Sister of the faith. Brother of the faith. It features in many olden stories. You just say this person is my sister. And she could live with you and people respected her as your sister. In fact, we have 'relatives' that are a tarkhaan family even though we are Jats. Because our great grandfather was Paghvat Bhra of their great grandfather. So the two families still visit etc.
  11. Being treated as a child. Going to school until 20s and 30s is normal. Being told what to do, what to believe, and no real responsibilities. Kept in a rarified environment of colleges. No chance to experience life. It's all fake secondhand knowledge. Most ppl get educated on issues from movies or social media posts.
  12. I definitely think so. The jews have traveled the exact same steps we currently are. When jewish people first immigrated, it was due to persecution and economic opportunities. Much as we Sikhs are. But then they built huge communities in Europe which attracted more Jewish people from their homeland. Leaving them a minority in their homeland. Similar to Sikhs. There were different types, the ones in Poland and Russia were poor, not assimilated (had their own complexes) and very orthodox religious. The ones in Germany were educated, not religious and very assimilated. Probably because Jewish people had been longer in Germany. Similar to Sikhs in US/Canada vs UK. Most Jewish people would start off with jobs like moneylenders, shopkeepers and peddlers. Then slowly get more educated. Similar to Sikhs. But as nationalism was on the rise, the Jewish people began to fear and created zionism. Also with rise of communism, many Jewish people joined in, especially the less religious ones. Similar to how less religious Sikhs are becoming woke liberals. Also, there are multiple theories about why Jewish ppl are the most recipients of the noble prize. One is that interbreeding between Jewish ppl, and arranged marriages insured that the most intellectual married the most intellectual. This can be measured in their brain cells having more myelin (a type of fat that protects neurons) however this is also the cause of many genetic diseases inherent to Ashkenazi Jewish people. Anyways this is a controversial racial theory. But perhaps arranged marriages could eventually lead to the same results in Sikhs. As doctors marry doctors etc. But more importantly, nationalism/right wing and religious hatred is on the rise. And Sikhs are becoming a minority in Punjab. If worst comes to worst, most Sikhs will have to defend themselves in their immigrant countries. There will be pogroms or civil wars or even world wars, the ones who survive will make it to panjab, and will have to fight for it. Not a bad way to win khalistan. The loss of life and genocide is nothing new to Sikhs, keeps them sharp and connected to the past. New ithihaas will be created. In my opinion, this is a better future. The one I fear is that the world becomes more technologically advanced and globalized, faith and religion lose meaning and purpose. The LGBTQ agenda wins, no families are needed. State is the ultimate moral authority. Like the book written by Ada Palmar Will of Battles
  13. Sadly Muslim and Hindu musicians have more prestige and knowledge. Take a look at YouTube channel parminder singh, he has a Playlist of all raags called swaar samund series or similar. Raj academy teaches taanti (original, stringed) saaj (instruments) Here's a Hindu website http://vishwamohini.com/music/home.php In terms of comprehensive theory, I have no idea where to find it. Although South India has really cool beats and music with tabla that they use in their Shiva and end of world dances.
  14. Your cynicism is showing. It's not that bad. First of all, only recent immigrants do truck driving. Second of all, truck driving is good business. Most unskilled jobs pay minimum wage. But truck drivers can make way better money and usually turn it into self employed business by owning their own truck. Thirdly, how can you live in California and not know that the nursing field is completely dominated by panjabis? Also many hospitals have at least 25% Sikh doctors on staff. Most hospitals are much more. Before the 2nd generation was always educated, but sadly due to video games, depression and stock market, the current 2nd generation in California is not into studying.
  15. When I read Gurbani, Guru ji talks sometimes about manmukhs and the bad qualities they have. When i read these it makes me feel like they are talking directly to me and this makes me feel depressed too. Could it be that I am not worthy to be gurmukh or am I feeling guilt because of my past conditioning? I sometimes take hukamnana on the sikhnet app and Guru ji will give a hukamnama that is very stern, and when i see this it makes me sad because i feel like i have failed and Guru ji is not happy with me. Am i interpreting the message of the Guru in the wrong way? I spoke with a Gursikh the other day and he was talking about the shabad: main janiya vadhans hai ta main kiya sang, je jana bugh bapura ta janam na dei ang (apologies for bad spelling), and i have always felt like Guru ji is talking about me in the latter part of that shabad, but he told me that Guru ji is only talking about people who are big paapis that are murderers and stuff but pretend not to be. So my question is am i interpreting Gurbani in the wrong way? About that Shabad Main Janiya Vadhans Hai that is about a situation. That you met a person and thought they were holy but they weren't. So it's a warning to associate with ppl who are good not just pretend to be. But the other hukamnamey are like scolding to you. It is hard not to get sad when guruji is disappointed. But keep trying. I have found that if I have tried to be good and had a loving happy mindset while doing paath. Usually I get good hukamnamey. So keep going. Take the hukamnamey as a barometer. Telling you where you are. Hopefully they will point to some good place soon.
  16. I'm glad you asked. I have been researching arranged marriages and its prevalent in many cultures. From west as Israel, middle east to far east as Tibet and Nepal. Here's a look into how orthodox jews do it: They have professional matchmakers. Also have you looked at lavaan.com? And if you have a profession in computers or business, I think you should start a program yourself. These days people need to step up. Like bhai jagraj singh did. Donating doesn't go that far. I think we should also use personality tests as well as tests of faith. And future goals to find matches.
  17. What do you mean by anand karaj. How is different than marriage?
  18. You have good questions. Your mom is right. Before due to discrimination, chamaar people got their own gurdwara. They were called Ravidaasiye or Ramgariye. Because these two respected personalities were of the same chamber caste. They just looked up to Bhagat Ravidaas ji and the 17th century Sikh Jassa singh raamgariya. All was good. However a few years back maybe 2010s. A movement started that wanted to separate Sikh people from chamaar background into separate religion. This was the Ravidaasiye movement. They said we will have separate religion, Bhagat Ravidaas will be our Guru now. Some only believe in Guru Ravidaas. Also some even went so far, as to take all of Bhagat ravidaas jis bani and formed into their grants. They removed the rest of gurbani. That is very very sad for them. To have hatred towards bani based on the fact that a similar caste person as them didn't write it? What could be more castist or unfortunate? gurdwara. They also made a different Nishaan sahib and different greeting than Fateh. There was a schism or separation among the Ravidaasiye gurudwaras. Some followed this new movement and some said no we are Sikhs of Guru granth sahib, we won't follow this nonsense. It seems as if your partner is a mixed bag of both. He probably doesn't know what to believe. And his relatives will be worse. Some staunchly on one side and some on the other. Some will also be castist. Taking out their hate of Jatts and how they were treated on you. Also will you henceforth be going to ravidaasiye gurdwara? Will your husband or his family be comfortable visiting the gurdwara you do? What about your parents? Will they be comfortable going and meeting his family and that gurdwara? I know I sound castist. But caste is a reality in the world. Best you learn the facts then you can decide of you are strong enough to deal with discrimination and hatred. About the Anand kaaraj. I think as he is a Sikh, he will be allowed to do an Anand kaaraj. However will he feel comfortable doing the ceremony at your gurdwara? Also I'm not sure but I heard the separatist Guru Ravidaas ppl may have adopted the fire ceremony as well. I would say you guys take time to discuss things. Take the marriage course offered by basics of sikhi. The 32 questions to fall in love. Discuss ur believes and goals. And most importantly, involve ur parents in your decisions. They are the support you want to have to fall back on, so don't burn any bridges.
  19. Actually it depends on the Sikh. Akjs believe that nitnem must be done sitting all in one go. And must be done outloud similar to during amrit sinchaar. But thankfully I wasn't told this by the panj cuz I do my nitnem whilst driving. Not ideal but what can you do?
  20. Good points. But not realistic imo This mini piri concept sort of relates to king Arthur and his round table knights as well. To be just rulers etc. But real life conquerors rarely follow these concepts although I am sure they know about them. In fact, conquerors or invaders can't be successful of they follow them. On one hand. I hate how white people hate their race and think it's the only bad race. That is ridiculous. There were many white people even during slavery who were abolitionists etc and Great Britain was the first to ban slavery. On the other hand, perhaps there is something to the theory that there has never been such barbarity and crimes as in colonialism. China was fine being isolationist although very powerful. However, Sikhs when they were doing conquering in the middle east, while initially brutal, did give rights and ruled justly. Kinda. I mean there were complaints of high taxation and also daily hangings. But that was to reduce crime at the borders. Alexander the great was pretty nice to his subjects. I think only Islam and Europe have been conquerors that continues to terrify and subdue the conquered after the initial vanquishement. Islam because they think others are inferior. And Europe because I think they have the Viking mentality: don't rule, just rape and pillage and bring the goods back to their country. But what about Japan during WWII? Horrible crimes were committed against neighboring China Korea etc So I don't think it's any race that's bad. I think it has to do with which religion they follow and how religious the conquerors are. But I mean Alexander wasn't religious. Perhaps it has to do with the class of people doing the conquering. If it's kings, they just want to enlarge their empire. If it's middle class, they just want the riches. It's complicated but I don't think racism is the answer. If you accept one race as good or bad then you must accept that there is racial superiority, some races are better than others and some stereotypes are true. I think Guru Sahib showed this is not true when he turned the non Rajput, the non warrior castes into warriors which later gave them the confidence to be kings. No one is limited by their race. However, collectively cultures and races may fit stereotypes but I don't think any race is evil. Elites may be but that shows its the wealth or power to blame not the race
  21. Not gonna lie. It means same thing as tbh. To be honest.
  22. I do not want to derail the good comments above or get off topic. But I feel like lots of Sikhs are wrongfully thinking that fashion and makeup is okay so I will address my thoughts on it. Yes it's important to have a good mind. Man saaf. But do you realize how hard that is? It's easier to control actions. And actions show the thoughts behind it. So if you wear makeup and fashion, what thoughts are behind these actions? Vanity, pride, arrogance, desire, illusion and that we can fix or even beautify what God has created. Tell me why should one waste time and wear makeup? To look better? Why look better? To get more opportunities so people will think good of you? Is that not vanity etc To become more confident? Why is your self esteem in looks? Does that seem like this person had a pure mind? It shows that you judge yourself and others on outer fleeting looks. That's a weakness and not a pure mind.. Having a pure mind means. Neither happiness nor sadness will sway you. You realize everything is In God's will and God's will is always good. You have no desires nor hopes. Nothing can cause fear in you, not even death. And the pure mind is decorated with beauty and jewels of good qualities like humility, forgiveness, authenticity, living in God's will etc. I do not think any one I know has a pure mind. Only people who are so good that they are known as saints. Also about the tenth guru dressing richly, gurbani says don't copy the guru but do as he says. Which means taking Amrit as that is what the tenth guru wanted. And when you take amrit, you will be told no makeup and limit fashion.
  23. The streets that we have to be smart about have moved to the digital world. Most scams happen online or through phones. Hacking, knowing your way around a computer, how to do effective facebook ads, use social media to get people on your side etc. Is the new street smarts
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