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Everything posted by singhunit

  1. Fantastic answers! can anyone explain the 5 khands please?
  2. If that was the case and we shouldnt shy away from any god of house regardless of whether mandir or mosque.....would guru have gone through so much for us and tell us in detail not to do idol worship? If waheguru wanted us to do this what was the point of sending Guru Nanak Dev Ji to preach the true path... Hindu gods - yes they were on earth, waheguru sent them...they come and went....it was all a creation of and a drama by the almighty
  3. This is why we are in the position we are in. Muslims stick together however when it comes to a fellow sikh we get the attitude as above. Very mature.
  4. when you are in the gurdwara in the presence of Guru ji can you still listen to kirtan etc on your ipod?
  5. reading it back yes celebrate is the wrong word , highlighting its been 25 yrs and still no sign of justice
  6. anything else? march in hyde park? p.s mods can you delete the previous postings as it seems to have created loads!
  7. WJKK WJKF 25 year anniv of 1984....anyone doing anything special to celebrate this?!
  8. without arguing or turning nasty could someone please state whether we should acknowledge hindu gods (shiv ji etc) backed by gurbani or do their teachings mean nothing to us and should stay away from the mandhir etc...and why ppl still tend to go their. BACK YOUR THOUGHTS BY GURBANI
  9. why do people always say that....'why does it matter' bla bla bla......thought this forum was to ask questions and learn
  10. Not all of it! Some people really do have "powers", so don't insult the entire art of hand reading like that just because you don't know much about it! so you do believe it is a form of study then? like i said for 1 min lets forget whether we are/arent meant to do it in sikhi...
  11. i can vouch for that as my own family does it! i appreciate its against sikhi but can we just excuse that for a mo.....is it accurate and another form of study or would you say its just mumbo jumbo
  12. hand reading and get a 'tevah' made and read - is this accurate?
  13. Some1 on this forum i think said before going out recite; aag guraeh namaeh, jugaad guraeh nameh, satguraeh namaeh srigurdevaeh namaeh Can anyone pls translate Thanks
  14. go give me fatwah along with gurbani which is listed above. could you translate your above post please namstang as i cant read punjabi
  15. What were the pictures actually of and where? If they are innocent pics then uve got your own life to lead...long as you dont bring shame on our guru ji.....but saying that i go out myself....hmm hypocrite!
  16. from that attachment link i found the bit about having dreams linked to previous life interesting. My cousin recently passed away and i had a dream of him - told my mum and she said its meant to be a bad sign......or it could be purely bcus i was thinking about him? paranoia?
  17. i disagree with the part of using the pc - its a modern part of life and guru ji doesnt stop up from adapting...its used daily even part of work etc etc it winds me up when people say instead of coming on sikhsangat to do a, b or c. personally coming on this forum has taught me alot....if i had your thinking i wouldnt have come on sikhsangat and wouldnt have learnt it.
  18. Interesting point...thanks for your views. what is the sakhi of Bhai Sobha Ram who did sewa of the 7th to the 10th Guru and was re-born as a bear without changing the direction of the thread too much!
  19. Why did Jesus come to earth? to show the true path...
  20. I don't think so... ok wouldnt say to END all religions but came to show the true path...would you not agree? otherwise why did guru nanak ji come to earth?
  21. still waiting for some genuine feedback ...
  22. i dont want to be the one to say something that others will find offensive lol so i'll shut up and leave u to get my hint its an open forum...whole point is to get a debate going to find the thinking of others...how boring would life be if we all just agreed. p.s still looking for a genuine answer!
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