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About japmans

  • Birthday 07/03/2004

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  1. the shabad is Raam Rang Kaday Ootar Na Jaaey. http://sikhitothemax.com/page.asp?ShabadID=592 i dunno what raaj radio is, so i can't help you there.
  2. That's a very unique and innovative thought definitely something to think about for sure.
  3. Just a reminder that there's just one week left for donations.
  4. Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh My brothers and sisters, I know I haven't been very active on the forums the past couple years, but I would like to share a cause I'm supporting. As you may know, for the past four years, I’ve been participating in the Stroll for Liver, an event by the Canadian Liver Foundation that began in Ottawa after the unexpected death of a close friend’s cousin in 2005. I will again be participating this year, on June 20th, 2010. At the time, Trisha Nagpal was 18 years old — not to mention, a popular youth leader and exceptional student — and had developed liver disease, and no one could figure out why. Many of the symptoms of Liver Disease are so primitive (i.e swollen feet), that the signs often go ignored or unnoticed. In Trisha’s case, it took just 11 days from the day she was admitted till she eventually succumbed to the disease. Read her full story here. Furthermore, Liver Disease patients are commonly sterotyped as drug or alcohol abusers. In reality, these are just two of the over 100 causes of liver disease. I understand that in these tough financial times, we are picking the charities we support with greater scrutiny. If you are unable to support financially, send me a quick email or note with a nice message, and I’ll be sure to share it with the family. Emotional support is often just as important as financial support. Please click here to make your credit card donation. Unfortunately, cash donations will not be possible without you mailing me cash/a cheque, neither of which I recommend doing. You wil get a tax receipt immediately, via email. My goal is $1000.00, though I’m hoping to far surpass that. Feel free to pass on this link to anyone you think might be interested. And of course, if you want to fundraise yourself, you can do that as well by signing up as a fundraiser! With love, Japman Singh
  5. Vaheguru Ji A premi in Central london would love to have a vaja for their stay in London over the next 10 months. Nothing fancy or anything. Just something serviceable and working. This person is new to the city and would obviously like to pay as little as possible. If need be, the vaja can be returned after the 10 month period. If you have any ideas, please PM me or respond to this thread. Thank you, sangat!
  6. haha veer, i never said it's not an interesting topic, i just said it wasn't a particularly interesting topic to me. I just wanted to know why others found it so interesting. You even pointed it out in your first post that I said that other ppl may find this interesting. I accept that! I'm not even being aggressive or hating on anyone for having an interest in this. Why do you feel like you've been targeted? Can't we have different opinions and still have a reasonable discussion? When did that become a difficult thing to do? Why the hostility: "Deal With It!". Having a conversation is tough these days! But Thank you for sharing why it's of personal interst to you. Now I understand a bit more. Thank you.
  7. wakey wakey japman! its interesting for a number of reasons... least of all... like you say... were all different! there is huge public interest in the 7 7 bombings. this could have contributed to his actions leading to that day... for example, his community may ahve looked down on him cuz his sister married a sikh, he may have felt he needs to show the world he is a true muslim... he went to pakistan did the full shabang, and kablamo, the rest is history - literally! your cute little sarcastic comment aside; so how does this affect future policy on dealing with terrorism? Let's play along and say that yes, alia converting to sikhism may have caused him to go and bomb the British subway system (i'm not sure I believe that, for the record, but we're having a civilized discussion, so let's explore it).. so the solution could be, therefore, to lock up any muslim who's experienced a conversion by a relative... in fear that they'll develop an inferiority complex and bomb something. (ceteris paribus on the community reaction to such occurrences). A little extreme of course.. but given the paranoia and slippery slope of western-world lawmakers, seems like it could be a possibility within 20 years. Back to Hasib: It would be more logical for him to blow up something sikh-related if the conversion was bothering him. Don't forget, there were 4 bombers. Why would Alia's conversion be a coercive factor for the other 3? If Hasib convinced em, he probably shoulda gone into a career in sales instead of this bombing thing, if he was able to do that convincing job! haha Granted, they might all have their own reasons to get training, but it just doesn't fit your argument that alia's conversion led him to do this. Why not get all the knowledge and training and take it out on the faith that "took" his sister from him? Hell, why not just go after her for bringing such disgrace to the family? Why the carnage? Major gap in logic in my opinion. The timeline isn't exactly clear either, as mentioned before. she converted in the 90's. he didn't even begin to demonstrate an interest in Islam till late 2003, so it's not even like 9/11 inspired him or something. Seems like his family was never really into Islam (again: Alia "ran off with her sikh lover"... not exactly the behaviour of a devout muslim). I just lend more to the environment and the sheer quantity of extremist islam in the UK. He got interested in Islam, and the first mosque that won his appeal happened to be run by an extremist. Reminder: We're having a civilized conversation. Think about that before you plunge back into sarcasm.
  8. Well, isn't the reason she turned away from Islam because of the fanaticism that she saw around her (even before the bombings)? The fanaticism took its logical course. hmm.. was there a history of fanaticism in the family? I don't know much about the family. It's not necessarily a fanatic response that the parents cut ties with her. Faithful parents tend to have that reaction when their offspring choose a differnent faith. According to bios online, he only became "more relgious" towards the end of 2003. She converted in the 90's, according to the veer above. There's a disconnect there, no?
  9. why is it an interesting story? I mean we're all different, I get that, so i'm sure some people might find this interesting. Personally I don't, so i'm curious. would it be just as interesting if her brother wasn't a 7/7 bomber? is there even a purposeful link between one fact and the other? or was it just included to sensationalize the post? Because if her family disowned her, then she's not his sister, and he's not her brother. Overall, i agree with West London Singh. While the Wembley example is an extreme case of "gloating", that's not the only definition of gloating. To me, gloating would also be the right word to call the reactions of certain Muslim forums where such conversions are celebrated, joked about and encouraged Hopefully we're not about to head down that path. For the sake of Alia Kaur and the undoubted ostracizing she must alreayd face, let's not make this a big deal.
  10. Each soul is different, but one and the same.. a conundrum, but not really. Our souls are the piece of God that exist within us. Each one of us is a part of that Greater Power (so to speak), and that's a big reason why "united we stand" is true because the more of us united and working together, the more we act as a bigger part of the Divine. This is also why evil gains power in numbers, because as we know, God is the creator of everything both good and evil. Of course it's much more complicated than that when we add karma and paap/punn and haumai and all...Just my personal interpretation of gurbani. Some may disagree.
  11. japmans

    Sehaj Path

    personally... it doesn't matter to me how terrible the person, the opportunity to read baani from saroop or from a sainchee can only bring positive and uplifting characteristics onto a person. I personally believe anyone can and should read bani, in any way that it is accessible to them. But i disagree with it being a task... if the ichha is more from the mind and less from the heart, there will still be benefit derived from it, cuz baani is that strong.. but every effort should be made for it to be heartfelt and every effort should be made to experience each word, vowel, and maatra, in order to avoid it being mere mechanical recitation. While even mechanical recitation can have an effect, baani should be felt, not just read, in my opinion.
  12. Beautiful realization, Papi! On an aside.. Jo Peh Hamna Paap Karanta, Aahay Ananta, Patit Paavan Naam Kaisay Huntaa? Killing over opposing beliefs. Where are we going with this mentality. One day we will be proud if our own people go to the extents of 9/11, it seems, over conflicting opinonis and belifs, and that scares the crap out of me. Or, as I'm sure will be pointed out, perhaps I'm just naive.
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